Billy Graham once said, “Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one ever bothered to ask.”
It’s true that we often take advantage of the privilege of prayer and the blessings it brings. We get too busy, we forget, we even refuse to seek God or we do so casually, rather than with bold conviction.
Yet, there is no excuse for not conversing often with God.
“Prayer is more than a wish,” Billy Graham has said. “It is the voice of faith directed at God.”
Let these five answers from Billy Graham help you grow your prayer life. Share this list with friends and family to help them too.
Does prayer really change anything?
>> Read Billy Graham’s answer.
Why pray about something when it’s obvious what we should do?
>> Read Billy Graham’s answer.
Why should I pray if God might say no?
>> Read Billy Graham’s answer.
Does it do any good to pray for politicians and other world leaders?
>> Read Billy Graham’s answer.
I’m afraid to pray in my own words. Is this wrong?
>> Read Billy Graham’s answer.
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