Is your heart aching for Biblical encouragement during these times?
As the world grapples with COVID-19, many areas are enacting stay-at-home measures designed to slow the rapid spread of the coronavirus. In-person interactions, such as doctor visits, church services, birthday celebrations, and tragically, even funerals have moved to virtual platforms. These encounters matter. But the silence that surrounds them can be deafening.
The Bible, the very Word of God, can be a source of peace and comfort.
“With Christ as your Savior and constant Companion, you, although alone, need never be lonely,” Billy Graham once said.
The following Bible studies, written by Billy Graham’s daughter Anne Graham Lotz, will help you navigate the heart of God and learn important truths:
1. God’s Peace Plan
Let go of anxiety, doubt, worry and negativity with this study of the Gospel of Matthew.
>>Begin the study.
2. Waiting … and Waiting … and Waiting
Impatience is risky, but waiting can be so difficult. Be challenged by God’s Word.
>>Begin the study.
3. Words to Trust
No matter how complicated life seems, God’s Word is unfailing. Consider these three trustworthy events.
>>Begin the study.
4. Jesus Is Enough
Dig deep as Anne Graham Lotz explores four ways Jesus shows us He is enough.
>>Begin the study.
5. The Voice of God
How does God speak to us today? Here are four ways our Heavenly Father communicates personally.
>>Begin the study.
Psalm 46:1 encourages, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” If you need encouragement, please call the BGEA Prayer Line to talk or pray with a crisis-trained counselor. Call toll-free anytime day or night, at 888-388-2683.
Peace is possible in this unpredictable world. Discover God’s love for you.
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