’Tis the season for NCAA March Madness—the joy of victory, the heartbreak of defeat. And believe it or not, there are a few takeaways for Christians in their everyday walk with Jesus.
Here are three pointers:
1. Know Your Opponent
Good coaches always know what they’re up against. They don’t take the opponent lightly, and neither should Christians. The Bible says Satan prowls like a lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). During March Madness, it’s easy to get caught up in the buzzer beaters and last-second defensive stops, but remember the stakes are much higher in life than on the basketball court. God’s Word equips us for the daily battle.
2. Stay Focused
There are plenty of things to distract us from our relationship with God, so it’s important to remember our training. Athletes have to dig deep in those final minutes to finish strong, but if you’ll notice, they typically look to the coach for direction, especially when the game is on the line. Take this as a reminder to stay in constant contact with our Heavenly Father. Pray without ceasing, particularly in the trying moments when you feel completely out of breath.
3. Make Adjustments
No game plan is perfect, even if it’s successful at first. Dangerous shooters go cold, scrappy defenders turn ankles and teams have to adjust. Our faith is similar—sometimes we get in a rut. That’s when we need to remind ourselves that God is alive. His Word is life-changing, but only if we’re willing to dive in and let Him challenge us.
Have you gotten complacent in your faith? Or ignored God altogether? Make it your goal to put Him first.
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