Your gift of $75 helps five people hear the Gospel through advertising for the Search for Jesus online outreach
Your Christmas gifts provide hope to people searching the internet for answers to life’s biggest questions.
Ah Keong* in Malaysia was fighting to keep his marriage alive. Going online to look for answers, he found Search for Jesus, our online ministry, and connected with a Chinese-speaking Canadian volunteer.
Over several weeks of online conversation, Ah discovered Jesus and His gift of salvation. Praise God, he said yes to faith in Christ. With his permission, we connected Ah with a pastor who traveled six hours to meet Ah and disciple him in his new faith.
“For me, it’s like a miracle,” said Pei, who manages the Mandarin-language team within our Canadian internet evangelism outreach.
The opportunity in this area of ministry is enormous: about 1.3 billion people speak Cantonese or Mandarin, including more than 1.2 million Canadians. In one six-month period, 20 Chinese-speaking chat volunteers—18 of them Canadian—had 1,600 conversations with people like Ah Keong from around the world. We praise God for bringing 55 of those inquirers to faith in His Son, and 47 more rededicated their lives to Christ. Praise God!
At home in Atlantic Canada, 14-year-old Bryn* came to our PeaceWithGod.net website looking for answers as she prepared to start high school. “I’m in ninth grade now going to high school next year, so I really need to start getting my life straight,” she wrote to one of our online chat coaches.
Bryn typed that she was carrying the weight of “a lot of sins that I regret.” When the chat coach asked if she knew Jesus as Lord, Bryn responded, “I don’t know. I’ve been reading this website for a while. I know I do want to. I just don’t really know how.”
The chat coach shared the Gospel with Bryn and then had an opportunity to pray with her as Bryn trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We thank God for His work in Bryn’s life. “I’m not ashamed of wanting to be closer to Him,” Bryn wrote as she concluded the conversation. Our coaches then helped Bryn get connected with a Bible-believing church near her home.
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy.
Your gift of $75 helps five people hear the Gospel through advertising for the Search for Jesus online outreach
Your gift of $150 helps 10 people hear the Gospel through internet advertising
Your gift of $750 can impact 50 people through the Search for Jesus online outreach
Your gift today reaches Canada and the world with the
Good News of Jesus Christ!
Continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel.”