Your gift of $40 gives others the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Your gifts this Christmas will help people across Canada hear the Gospel through an evangelistic Festival or Celebration.
Anna,* just 8 years old, went forward with her mom as Will Graham gave an invitation to follow Jesus Christ at an outreach in British Columbia.
Their friend Margo* watched them go with tears in her eyes.
Margo had prayed for the mother and daughter ever since Anna was a baby and they attended a mom’s group at Margo’s church.
When the two finished talking with a prayer volunteer, Anna ran and leaped into Margo’s arms—a big hug for a new daughter in God’s family.
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy.
Your gift of $40 gives others the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
A gift of $200 makes it possible to proclaim the Gospel to many others and provide discipleship resources.
A gift of $600 equips us to extend the Gospel even further.
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Good News of Jesus Christ!
"Continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel."