

I don't believe we go to heaven when we die. Instead I believe that we come back to earth (or perhaps go to another planet) and live another life, and we keep coming back until we finally reach perfection. You're free to believe what you want to, but this is what I believe.


I hate to admit it, but my parents were very prejudiced against people of other races when I was growing up, and it's taken a long time for me to begin to break free of their views. Does God favor one race over another, which is what my parent always claimed?


I honestly thought I'd given my life to Jesus, but sometimes my temper boils over like it used to, and I guess I'm not saved after all. How can I get over this and really be free from sin so I know I'll go to heaven when I die?


We don't believe our children should have religion crammed down their throats, but should be free to make up their own minds about it when they get older.


My wife just divorced me because of my drinking. What should I do?


Does God care how we spend our free time (as long as we aren't doing anything wrong)?


Did Judas do what he did of his own free will when he betrayed Jesus?


You're free to have your own opinion, but as far as I'm concerned, once you're dead, that's it.


Free Even In Prison


The Real You


God Loves Us, Despite Our Imperfections


I know we're supposed to confess our sins whenever we pray, but sometimes I can't think of anything to confess. I'm not trying to be proud, but I honestly try to do what is right. What am I missing?