GP Spiritual Climate

Experience the Life-Changing Message of Hope and Salvation

Join the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada in bringing the transformative power of the Gospel to communities around Canada and the world through our Celebrations and Festivals.

Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Select a suggested amount below or customize your donation to help share the Gospel.

Why a Celebration?


All around us, people are struggling through life—searching for hope, peace, and purpose. They are taking their last breaths without the promise of heaven. We must do all we can to share the Good News of the Gospel while there is still time.


A Look Up Celebration with Will Graham is a partnership between local churches and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to boldly share the hope of Christ through free, family-friendly outreaches. Our two-fold aim is for the church to be strengthened and the Gospel to be proclaimed.

“Look Up, for your salvation is near!” – Luke 21:28, NLT


  • Mobilizes the Christian community to action, prayer, and unity through a community and region-wide effort.
  • Equips believers with evangelism training and an action plan for sharing their faith.
  • Hosts uplifting events for people to hear the Gospel message.
  • Offers an opportunity for inquirers to respond to the Gospel and grow in their new-found faith.
  • Brings spiritual renewal in a community as the church is energized and grown.

Your Donation Makes a Lasting Impact

Your donation makes it possible to host Celebrations and Festivals events in cities across the globe. Through your prayers and gifts, you are a vital part of reaching lost people with the message of Jesus Christ.

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Over 215 million people have attended BGEA evangelistic events worldwide.

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Millions of lives have been transformed through responding to Gospel at these events.

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Events have been held in over 55 countries and territories.

Anna,* just 8 years old, went forward with her mom as Will Graham gave an invitation to follow Jesus Christ at an outreach in British Columbia. Their friend Margo* watched them go with tears in her eyes. Margo had prayed for the mother and daughter ever since Anna was a baby and they attended a mom’s group at Margo’s church. When the two finished talking with a prayer volunteer, Anna ran and leaped into Margo’s arms—a big hug for a new daughter in God’s family.

"God really connected with me today. I feel His presence and Spirit. I know He can forgive me. I have now direct connection to Him. Praise the Lord! It’s like I accept Him, that He saves me."

Rico, Thompson-Okanagan Look Up Tour

"I’ve been struggling the last few years with some issues, like addiction. I was raised Christian and I sort of strayed for a long time. I never really fully trusted in it, but I think I’m ready to change my life around and discover Jesus. … [Life is] still going to be a hard battle, but I can do it through Christ."

Ryan,* Thompson-Okanagan Look Up Tour
*Names and photos changed for privacy.

Stewarding Your Gifts with Integrity

At the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of financial accountability and transparency. We understand that your donations are a sacred trust, and we take our responsibility as stewards of these resources seriously.


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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada is a member of the Canadian Centre of Christian Charities.

Canada Revenue Agency registration #:
11894 5088 RR0001

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada is audited annually by an independent public accounting firm, and our financial statement is available upon request. Occasionally we receive more contributions for a given project than can wisely be applied to that project. When this happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need as directed by our Board.

Make a Difference Today

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless individuals who are searching for meaning and hope. Join us in spreading the love of Christ through Festival and Celebration events.

Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Select a suggested amount below or customize your donation to help share the Gospel.