Broadcast the Gospel
$55 – Help share in the cost of broadcasting a 30-minute Billy Graham Classics program to thousands of Canadians.
$330 – Expand the reach and broadcast the Gospel to many more.

Build Faith in Youth
$30 – Make it possible for one young person to hear the truth and learn more about Jesus.
$90 – Make it possible for three young people to hear the truth and learn more about Jesus.

Support in Times of Crisis
A gift of $150 equips and deploys a chaplain for one day.
$25 – Equip and deploy a trained chaplain to offer hope to suffering people.
$150 – Equip and deploy a chaplain for one day.

Proclaim the Good News
$40 – Your gift of $40 ensures one person can come and hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and receive discipleship resources.
$400 – Reach 10 people with the Gospel.

Share Hope Online
$75 – Provide an opportunity for five people to learn about Jesus.

Disciple Believers
$15 – Provide resources to help three people deepen their faith.
$50 – Provide resources to disciple 10 people.