Give To Where Most Needed

I started my last social media post with a statement: “Recognizing a group which has overcome a lot of barriers.”
In our county in Florida, where my children attend school, the idea was proposed to “celebrate” LGBTQ+ History Month in schools where kids of all ages would be taught this sexual ideology.
I have been talking about taking a stand for the education of our children a lot lately. Being a mom and a Christian with a public platform, I receive letters from parents all across the country who have great concern over what their kids are being taught in schools.
Recently, I received a message from a grandmother of a fourth grader after a book was sent home about two boys falling in love and kissing. We have seen in Virginia schools where there have been books about LGBT in kindergarten.
When this issue came to my own doorstep this week, I had to practice what I preach.
Why has sexual ideology become the forefront of educational endeavors? And why would you introduce teaching something like sexuality to kindergarten-aged kids that can’t even tie their own shoes? Why do school districts want to take the place of parents?
I address these questions, my experience this week at my local school board meeting, and my suggestions for how we should approach this on the #FearlessPodcast.