Give To Where Most Needed

A few years ago my dad challenged my brothers and I to not be critical of other people’s ministries. This is something that I’ve been convicted of recently, as I believe we see more and more Christians attacking each other publicly, in places like social media and even from the pulpit. We may have concerns with a leader or ministry— and the Bible tells us how that should be handled― but when we let our words attack and tear down others in the church Satan wins the battle. My dad has often said, “We have more in common than we don’t,” and I believe we as Christians need to start reflecting on what God has called each of us to do instead of allowing division to destroy the church.
Today on Fearless, I’m discussing the importance of why Christians should stop attacking other Christians and what the Bible says about this important topic.
Romans 16:17 (Watch out for those who cause division)
Acts 15 (Paul & Barnabas)
Matthew 18:15-17 (Take your concerns to those we have disagreements with)
1 Samuel 24-28 (Saul & David)