
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'm sure you've been asked this before, but do you think we're approaching the end of the world?

I'm sure you've been asked this before, but do you think we're approaching the end of the world? I've heard, for example, about that ancient Mayan calendar that predicts the world is going to end soon, and I wonder if it might be true.

My parents are upset at me because I told them I didn't want to go to church anymore. Why should I?

My parents are upset at me because I told them I didn't want to go to church anymore. Why should I? Church is boring, and as far as I'm concerned it's just a waste of time. But I promised I'd write you first.

What good is God to me, if He won't relieve my pain?

I have terrible pain all the time from a bad back, and the doctors can't seem to do anything about it (except to prescribe strong drugs, which I don't want to get hooked on). What good is God to me, if He won't relieve my pain? Is it wrong for me to ask Him to take it away?

I'm sure people like you are sincere when you quote the Bible to support your views, but I think you can prove anything from the Bible if you try hard enough.

I'm sure people like you are sincere when you quote the Bible to support your views, but I think you can prove anything from the Bible if you try hard enough. I've even heard that you can "prove" from the Bible that the devil is a Christian. Is this true?

When something bad happens to us, is it because we've done something wrong and God is punishing us for it?

When something bad happens to us, is it because we've done something wrong and God is punishing us for it? Where does evil come from anyway?

I know we're supposed to trust God when hard times come, but how can we keep trusting God when nothing seems to change?

I know we're supposed to trust God when hard times come, but how can we keep trusting God when nothing seems to change? My husband lost his job two years ago, and it's really been a trying time for us.

I don't think God created us; I think that we created God.

I don't think God created us; I think that we created God. People thousands of years ago just made up the idea of God, so they could explain the things they didn't understand. But we don't need God now, because science answers all our questions.

Does life have any purpose?

Does life have any purpose? My friends all say the only purpose in life is to have a good time. But I've tried that, and if I'm honest I'd have to admit my life is kind of empty. Is this all there is to life?

I don't know anything about God, but I'd like to learn if I can. Or is it too late (I'm in my 50s)?

I don't know anything about God, but I'd like to learn if I can. Or is it too late (I'm in my 50s)? Maybe I should have started when I was a child, but my family didn't want anything to do with religion.

Two doctors in our church are going to work for a month at a mission hospital in Africa, but I can't help but wonder if it's really worthwhile.

Two doctors in our church are going to work for a month at a mission hospital in Africa, but I can't help but wonder if it's really worthwhile. After all, once they come back things over there won't really be any different, will they? Why bother?

How much faith do I have to have before God will accept me?

How much faith do I have to have before God will accept me? I admit my faith isn't very strong, but the little faith I do have is sincere.

Recently, I read an interesting magazine article about the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls over half a century ago.

Recently, I read an interesting magazine article about the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls over half a century ago. Do they contradict what the Bible says? The article didn't say anything about this.