
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Toward the end of the year we get dozens of letters from various ministries and charities asking for money.

Toward the end of the year we get dozens of letters from various ministries and charities asking for money. I'm sure they're all worthy, and we'd like to help them, but we can't support everything. How should we decide which ones to support?

I'm burdened with guilt because my husband and I had an argument one morning and two hours later he died in a car crash.

I'm burdened with guilt because my husband and I had an argument one morning and two hours later he died in a car crash. I even wonder if the crash happened because he was upset at me. I don't know why I'm writing, but maybe it'll keep someone from making the same mistake.

I know the Bible says somewhere that we ought to honor our parents, but how can you do that when they've hurt you and even said they don't want anything more to do with you?

I know the Bible says somewhere that we ought to honor our parents, but how can you do that when they've hurt you and even said they don't want anything more to do with you? I want to do what's right, but I'm not sure what it means in my case.

I'm new to church-going, because we never had anything to do with religion when I was a kid.

I'm new to church-going, because we never had anything to do with religion when I was a kid. Now I'm going to a church I like, but I don't always understand things. For example, they talk a lot about being a disciple, but what does that mean?

My husband walked out on me last month, right after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Why has God abandoned me?

My husband walked out on me last month, right after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Why has God abandoned me? I'm so discouraged. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth going through treatment.

The other day, my aunt and I got to talking about heaven. She said she wasn't worried about going there because she'd always been a good person.

The other day, my aunt and I got to talking about heaven. She said she wasn't worried about going there because she'd always been a good person and tried to do what's right. I didn't say anything, but I'm not sure she's as perfect as she thinks she is. What do you think?

Does God ever get so tired of us that He just decides to leave us alone?

Does God ever get so tired of us that He just decides to leave us alone? We do this with other people sometimes, so I guess I wouldn't be surprised if God did it to us. I wouldn't blame Him if He did.

My friend recently lost her third husband (all of them by death), and she asked me the other day which one she'd be married to in heaven.

My friend recently lost her third husband (all of them by death), and she asked me the other day which one she'd be married to in heaven. I didn't know how to answer, but I could tell this concerns her.

Some of the books our granddaughter reads seem to glorify immorality or deal with dark. Should we tell her parents?

I know we ought to be glad our teenaged granddaughter likes to read; many her age don't. But some of the books she's reading seem to glorify immorality or deal with dark (almost demonic) themes, and we're not sure she ought to be filling her mind with all this. Should we say something to her parents?

Why do some people have such long memories?

Why do some people have such long memories? Whenever we have a family gathering, one of my aunts keeps bringing up the same things that a cousin (now deceased) supposedly did to her many years ago. Why can't she just forgive and forget?

I'm sick of politicians and political campaigns, and I've decided I'm not going to vote this year.

I'm sick of politicians and political campaigns, and I've decided I'm not going to vote this year. It wouldn't do any good anyway, because just one vote won't make any difference. Why bother?

I keep asking God to forgive me for something I did many years ago that I know was very wrong, but I don't think He has.

I keep asking God to forgive me for something I did many years ago that I know was very wrong, but I don't think He has. Is He going to get tired of me because I keep begging for forgiveness? I still feel guilty over what I did, so I know He hasn't forgiven me yet.