
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Which is more important in your view, Christmas or Easter?

Which is more important in your view, Christmas or Easter? I admit that Christmas always wears me out, and I find myself wishing some of the celebrating could be transferred to Easter.

In my view, when we do wrong, sooner or later we'll pay for it in this life.

I believe (like you) that God judges people who do evil things. But I believe He does it in this life, not at some great big judgment scene after the world has come to an end. In my view, when we do wrong, sooner or later we'll pay for it in this life.

I've been shocked recently by news reports about churches being bombed and Christians in various parts of the world being killed for their faith. Are these reports true?

I've been shocked recently by news reports about churches being bombed and Christians in various parts of the world being killed for their faith. Are these reports true? I thought things like this didn't happen today. What can be done?

I'm in prison, and I'm about the only one here who admits that I deserve to be here.

I'm in prison, and I'm about the only one here who admits that I deserve to be here. Almost everyone blames others for what's happened to them -- parents, spouse, friends, the judicial system, etc. Why won't people take personal responsibility for what they've done?

I'll finally graduate from college in a few weeks, and I have no idea what I'm going to do.

I'll finally graduate from college in a few weeks, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I admit I wasted a lot of time and didn't major in anything useful. You'll probably tell me to turn to God, but what good will that do? I need a job.

Can you prove that heaven exists?

Can you prove that heaven exists? I'd like to believe in heaven, but I'm not sure I do. I've read about people who claimed they were taken up into heaven, and then they later described what they saw, but how do we know they weren't just imagining things?

I'm in my 80s, and I've just been told that I'm going blind. I hate this, and I'm not sure life is worth living anymore. What do you think?

I'm in my 80s, and I've just been told that I'm going blind. It's not going to happen all at once, I understand, but there doesn't seem to be much the doctors can do about it. I hate this, and I'm not sure life is worth living anymore. What do you think?

Do we have any way of knowing what Jesus might have looked like?

Do we have any way of knowing what Jesus might have looked like? I'm a member of a minority race, and to be honest I get tired of seeing Jesus pictured as a white man, because I'm not sure that's what He was.

I know some people feel that they need God, but what about people like me who don't feel any deep need for forgiveness, or for God to tell me what to do, or things like that?

I know some people feel that they need God, but what about people like me who don't feel any deep need for forgiveness, or for God to tell me what to do, or things like that? I get along just fine without God, and so do most of my friends.

I've heard preachers say that God is concerned about every detail of our lives, but is it really true?

I've heard preachers say that God is concerned about every detail of our lives, but is it really true? Doesn't He just leave some things up to us to decide, such as how we'll run our families or spend our money?

When you ask God for something and He doesn't give you any answer, does His silence mean that He's saying 'No'?

When you ask God for something and He doesn't give you any answer, does His silence mean that He's saying 'No'? Or has He even heard our prayer?

Who is Satan? Is He a Fallen Angel?

I think I heard somewhere that Satan was originally an angel. But if that's true, is he still an angel, or what happened to him? Or is Satan just an idea that people dreamed up to explain the existence of evil?