
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

If you could ask God to do just one thing in your life during the coming year, what would it be?

If you could ask God to do just one thing in your life during the coming year, what would it be?

Do you think the Internet will ever replace going to church?

Do you think the Internet will ever replace going to church? I think it could, because people can stay in touch through the Internet just like they do in church. They also could listen to sermons or participate in a Bible study without having to go anywhere.

My wife insists on bringing our two children to church, but I'm not sure I agree.

My wife insists on bringing our two children to church, but I'm not sure I agree. They don't get anything out of it, and sometimes they're just a distraction to the people around us. Why bother?

Would you say something about the dangers of drinking and driving, especially during the holidays?

Last year, our son was killed in an auto accident shortly after Christmas; his car was hit by a drunk driver. It's been hard, but would you say something about the dangers of drinking and driving, especially during the holidays? This really concerns us.

Lots of great people have been born over the centuries, so what makes Jesus so special?

A friend of mine said once that the birth of Jesus was the most important event in human history. I don't really agree with this. After all, lots of great people have been born over the centuries, so what makes Jesus so special?

Why was Jesus born in a stable instead of in someplace impressive, like a palace?

Why was Jesus born in a stable instead of in someplace impressive, like a palace? Wouldn't people have paid more attention to Him if His parents had been important people instead of ordinary peasants? I've always wondered about this.

Can you give me some advice on how to keep our children from getting so focused on their presents on Christmas?

Can you give me some advice on how to keep our children from getting so focused on their presents on Christmas morning that we end up forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? We face this problem every year.

How can anyone believe Jesus was born of a virgin?

How can anyone believe Jesus was born of a virgin? Maybe they believed in such things 2,000 years ago, but we know better today.

Our extended family is showing up for dinner this Christmas, and I'm really dreading it — not because of the work, but because some of them are very hard to get along with.

Our extended family is showing up for dinner this Christmas, and I'm really dreading it -- not because of the work, but because some of them are very hard to get along with. Should we just be gracious and pretend everything is OK, or should we confront them if they start getting out of hand?

Please pray for me. I'm being tempted to have an affair with a woman I've gotten close to at work.

Please pray for me. I'm being tempted to have an affair with a woman I've gotten close to at work. I know it's stupid and I'll probably end up hurting a lot of people (including our families), but I'm still not sure I can resist. What's your advice?

Will we actually see God when we get to heaven?

Will we actually see God when we get to heaven? My friend says we will, but how is that possible? And anyway, how could we even think about entering God's presence, since He is so pure and we're so sinful?

I'm concerned about my sister because she's in a very abusive marriage.

I'm concerned about my sister because she's in a very abusive marriage. I even fear for her life. (She's been to the emergency room three times recently, always blaming it on accidents -- but she's told me otherwise.) Does God demand she stay, like her husband says He does?