
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I suppose I ought to apologize to someone I've hurt, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I suppose I ought to apologize to someone I've hurt, but I can't bring myself to do it. Should I just forget about it, since I know she's still angry at me and I'm sure it won't do any good to apologize?

I have a friend who says he thinks he's already achieved perfection, because he doesn't know of any sins he commits now.

I have a friend who says he thinks he's already achieved perfection, because he doesn't know of any sins he commits now. Do you think that's possible? How can we become perfect?

I'm afraid to die. How can I get over this fear?

I've never thought about death very much, but a few months ago I was diagnosed with cancer, and while the treatment seems to be going well, I've wonder sometimes if I'm going to make it. I'm afraid to die. How can I get over this fear?

I think my husband may have a problem with alcohol.

I think my husband may have a problem with alcohol. He'll go for weeks with just a few drinks a day, but then he'll go on a binge and be wiped out for several days. Should this concern me?

My husband and I made a New Year's resolution to lose weight this year (which we both need to do), but are we just being vain because we want to look better?

My husband and I made a New Year's resolution to lose weight this year (which we both need to do), but are we just being vain because we want to look better? Or does the Bible also say something about this?

How do we know that what the Bible says about events that supposedly occurred thousands of years ago is actually true?

How do we know that what the Bible says about events that supposedly occurred thousands of years ago is actually true? Maybe someone just made them up so people would believe God had done them, or something like that.

I'm concerned about my husband. He retired about a year ago and just seems to have lost his zest for living.

I'm concerned about my husband. He retired about a year ago and just seems to have lost his zest for living. Some days, he hardly bothers to get out of bed, no matter how much I get after him. What's wrong with him?

My husband and I just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, and we've been amazed at how many people have asked us how we did it.

My husband and I just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, and we've been amazed at how many people have asked us how we did it. They say they can't imagine being married to the same person for that long. Is marriage on the way out?

Two of my friends are very religious, but both of them have lots of health and financial problems, and I don't see that their faith is doing them any good.

Two of my friends are very religious, but both of them have lots of health and financial problems, and I don't see that their faith is doing them any good. They say I ought to believe like they do, but why should I? I might end up the same way.

I got an email the other day saying that I have inherited some money from someone I never met, and all I have to do is send them my bank account number and a processing fee and it will be mine.

I got an email the other day saying that I have inherited some money from someone I never met, and all I have to do is send them my bank account number and a processing fee and it will be mine. My grandson says it's a scam, but how does he know? I sure could use the money, and anyway I want to give more to my church.

My parents got very upset when my boyfriend and I got engaged a few weeks ago, because he comes from a different religion.

My parents got very upset when my boyfriend and I got engaged a few weeks ago, because he comes from a different religion. We don't think it makes any difference, but are we wrong?

Why should I bother with God?

I don't feel any need for God. I live by my own set of rules -- things like respect for others, selflessness, concern for the environment, honesty, and so forth -- and that's all I need. Why should I bother with God?