
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I love my grandfather and hate to say anything against him, but he's very prejudiced against people of other races.

I love my grandfather and hate to say anything against him, but he's very prejudiced against people of other races. He seems to make a special point of talking about it when we bring our children for a visit. How should we handle it with them?

My brother rebelled against our parents and against God as a teenager.

My brother rebelled against our parents and against God as a teenager. He's in his 50s now and has really messed up his life, but he won't even talk with me about it. Why do two people from the same family take such different paths?

Our relationship was secret, but what would be wrong with letting his wife know what's been going on?

I'm furious, because the man I've been seeing for two years told me at Christmas that he's decided not to divorce his wife and marry me. Our relationship was secret, but what would be wrong with letting his wife know what's been going on? He deserves to get hurt for going back on his promise to me.

Why would God put us into hard situations?

Our pastor said the other day that we ought to be glad when problems come, because we'll become better persons as a result. I'm not sure I agree with him. Why would God put us into hard situations?

Why can't Christians get along with each other?

Why can't Christians get along with each other? Our church is going through some conflict right now over what is really a minor issue, but no one wants to give in or admit they might be wrong. Are all churches like this?

I just turned 70, and I can't believe how fast my life has passed.

I just turned 70, and I can't believe how fast my life has passed. When I was young, I thought it would last forever, but suddenly it's almost over. Did you ever feel this way?

Is it too late to turn to God? Or is He fed up with me?

I admit I've wasted my life. I've always lived for the moment and never given much thought to how I was living. I always thought I was having a good time, but it's caught up with me. Is it too late to turn to God? Or is He fed up with me?

I gave my life to Jesus because of a man I met on an airplane. What should I do now?

I didn't come from a religious family (quite the opposite, in fact). But recently I gave my life to Jesus because of a man I met on an airplane. What should I do now?

Do angels still do things, like they did in the Bible?

I know the angels were very much a part of Jesus' birth (for example, in making the announcements to Mary and the shepherds), but do they still do anything? Or are angels no longer active?

I've had at least three close calls in the last few years (two bad auto wrecks, one heart attack) and my friends say it's a miracle I'm still alive.

I've had at least three close calls in the last few years (two bad auto wrecks, one heart attack) and my friends say it's a miracle I'm still alive. What is God trying to tell me, if anything? Or have I just been lucky?

I suppose you’ve been asked this before, but will there be animals in heaven?

I suppose you've been asked this before, but will there be animals in heaven? My dog died a few months ago, and I miss him very, very much. After my husband died, I guess my dog became my best friend.

Whenever my aunt wants to tell my brothers or me what we're doing wrong (which she frequently does), she'll often quote the Bible to "set us straight."

Whenever my aunt wants to tell my brothers or me what we're doing wrong (which she frequently does), she'll often quote the Bible to "set us straight." But how do we know what she says is really in the Bible, or if she's just making it up? I admit she gets on our nerves sometimes.