
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Does the Bible say anything about money?

I hate to admit it, but my husband and I fight about money all the time. We got behind when he was without work, and I wonder if we'll ever get out of debt. Does the Bible say anything about money?

We attended a wedding recently, during which the preacher read something from the Bible about the need for charity.

We attended a wedding recently, during which the preacher read something from the Bible about the need for charity. What does charity have to do with marriage? I guess I didn't understand what point he was trying to make.

How bad do you have to be before God won't forgive you, no matter how sincere you are or how much you ask Him to?

How bad do you have to be before God won't forgive you, no matter how sincere you are or how much you ask Him to

Over 50 years ago, I stole some money from my employer, and now that I'm a Christian I want to make it right.

Over 50 years ago, I stole some money from my employer, and now that I'm a Christian I want to make it right. But the man I worked for is now dead and the company no longer exists, so I can't pay them back. What should I do, if anything?

Every year about this time, our church board presents the new budget to the congregation, and our preacher takes several weeks to preach about money and tithing and all that.

Every year about this time, our church board presents the new budget to the congregation, and our preacher takes several weeks to preach about money and tithing and all that. Frankly, I get tired of it. In my opinion, he ought to be dealing with spiritual things, not with money.

My uncle never wanted anything to do with God or religion, and he always let others know it.

My uncle never wanted anything to do with God or religion, and he always let others know it. And yet just before he died he made us promise to hold his memorial service in a church. What do you think was going through his mind? It seemed kind of hypocritical to me.

Do you think medical science will ever abolish all sickness, and even death itself?

Do you think medical science will ever abolish all sickness, and even death itself? I'd be dead by now if it weren't for some of the most recent medical advances, and it's made me wonder where such things could be headed.

I think "hell" is just a myth.

I think "hell" is just a myth. It's just an idea that various religions dreamed up in order to scare people into following their beliefs. I assume you don't agree, but I challenge you to prove that you're right and I'm wrong.

I'm not sure what I believe about God or life after death. Do you have any advice?

My brother-in-law, who's an atheist, says death is the end of us, but I can't bring myself to agree with that. I guess I'm not sure what I believe about God or life after death. Do you have any advice?

Will wars ever cease, according to the Bible?

I've always felt that if people from different nations could just get to know each other we could bring an end to wars and conflicts. But I'm beginning to have my doubts. Will wars ever cease, according to the Bible?

I heard recently about a church near us where it was discovered that the pastor was getting all his sermons off the Internet.

I heard recently about a church near us where it was discovered that the pastor was getting all his sermons off the Internet. He wasn't even changing them or giving credit to the original preacher, but was using them as if they were his own. Do you think the congregation was right in asking him to leave? This seemed a bit harsh to some.

I'd never read the Bible before, but the Old Testament was too much for me. Any suggestions?

I made a New Year's resolution to read straight through the Bible this year, but I've already given up. I'd never read the Bible before, but the Old Testament was too much for me. Any suggestions?