
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My sister takes an hour each day to practice meditation.

My sister takes an hour each day to practice meditation. She says she empties her mind of everything that distracts her, and this not only gives her feelings of peace but also makes her feel at one with God. Do you think she's right?

Why am I such a miserable failure?

I made a whole list of New Year's resolutions this year and I've hardly kept any of them, although the year has barely started. I really want to be a better person, but something keeps holding me back. Why am I such a miserable failure?

I admit I don't believe like you do, but I figure that if I die and find out I'm wrong, then God ought to give me a second chance.

I admit I don't believe like you do, but I figure that if I die and find out I'm wrong, then God ought to give me a second chance. Why wouldn't He, if He's a loving God like Christians claim He is?

I've gotten involved in a ministry that our church has started to prisoners in our local jail, but I honestly wonder if we're doing any good.

I've gotten involved in a ministry that our church has started to prisoners in our local jail, but I honestly wonder if we're doing any good. Just holding a chapel service once a week doesn't seem like much. Am I wrong?

What does it mean to be a "worldly Christian?"

I've never gone to church before, so some of the things they talk about in the church I've started attending are kind of new to me. For example, what does it mean to be a "worldly Christian"? Our preacher talks about them, but he's never defined the term.

I am 8 years old and I would like to know what angels look like.

I am 8 years old and I would like to know what angels look like. Do they have wings, and do they glow in the dark?

How do you know when to rebuke someone for the way they're living, and when to lay off and just pray they'll wise up and turn to God?

How do you know when to rebuke someone for the way they're living, and when to lay off and just pray they'll wise up and turn to God? This is the situation with our son. He's let us know he's tired of us getting after him, but we're still concerned.

We have two small boys, and we worry about the world they're going to be facing when they grow up.

We have two small boys, and we worry about the world they're going to be facing when they grow up—a bad economy, wars, a breakdown in morals, and so on. What can we do to help prepare them for such a scary future?

I know the Bible says we shouldn't worry, but isn't that a bit unrealistic?

I know the Bible says we shouldn't worry, but isn't that a bit unrealistic? I could name a dozen things I worry about every day, and they aren't going to go away just because I hope they will, or because I pray they will.

Does God ever tell us to do something, or to believe something, that contradicts the Bible?

Does God ever tell us to do something, or to believe something, that contradicts the Bible? A friend of mine says the Bible is out of date and we need to let the Spirit guide us in new directions, but I'm not so sure about that.

I've started reading the Bible every day, and I've been surprised at how many people opposed Jesus and even wanted to kill Him.

I've started reading the Bible every day, and I've been surprised at how many people opposed Jesus and even wanted to kill Him. It doesn't make sense, because they should have welcomed Him. Why did this happen?

Does God get upset at us if we get angry at Him?

Does God get upset at us if we get angry at Him? I admit I do occasionally, but people in the Bible sometimes got angry at God, so maybe it doesn't matter. What's your opinion?