
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I know you tell people to read their Bibles and pray and all that, but when can I find time?

I know you tell people to read their Bibles and pray and all that, but when can I find time? Mornings are always a rush, as I get the children off to school and then hurry off to work (I'm a single mom). Then at night, I'm too tired.

Why doesn't God talk to us today like He talked to people back in Bible times?

Why doesn't God talk to us today like He talked to people back in Bible times? I admit I struggle with doubts, and it would be great if God spoke to me in a voice I could actually hear.

My sister and I said some pretty hurtful things to each other about a year ago, and we haven't spoken since.

My sister and I said some pretty hurtful things to each other about a year ago, and we haven't spoken since. I've apologized to her, but so far she hasn't shown any inclination to apologize in return. Doesn't she need to apologize, too?

We'd always looked forward to our children leaving home and being on their own, but now that it's actually happened we're both a bit depressed.

We'd always looked forward to our children leaving home and being on their own, but now that it's actually happened we're both a bit depressed. I'm having a harder time with it than my husband (since he's still working), but are we the only parents who feel this way?

How do I know if God even listens to my prayers?

How do I know if God even listens to my prayers? I have a lot of problems, and I've asked God repeatedly to take them away, but nothing ever changes. Maybe God doesn't care.

How can we stop fighting over money?

My husband and I fight about money all the time. I hate it, and yet we no sooner say we're going to stop than something else comes up, and we start all over again. We both want it solved, but how do we get out of this? It's ruining our marriage.

Why don't we still do animal sacrifices, like the people were commanded to do in those days?

I've been trying to read some in the Old Testament recently, and I'd like to ask you a question: Why don't we still do animal sacrifices, like the people were commanded to do in those days?

What do angels look like?

What do angels look like? My aunt likes to collect figures of angels (she has dozens of them around her house), but how do we know if angels actually look like them?

As far as I'm concerned, religion is just a fake, and I don't want anything to do with it. What would you say to that?

I'm in jail, and the only reason people here turn to religion is so they'll impress the parole board and get out earlier. They even laugh and admit it privately. As far as I'm concerned, religion is just a fake, and I don't want anything to do with it. What would you say to that?

I was in a bad car wreck several months ago, and the doctors didn't give me much hope of survival.

I was in a bad car wreck several months ago, and the doctors didn't give me much hope of survival. But I made it, and I'm almost completely healed now. I've never been religious, but did God have something to do with this?

I know I wasn't a very good father, but I'm an old man now and I really wish I could see my children again.

I know I wasn't a very good father, but I'm an old man now and I really wish I could see my children again. I've begged them to forgive me, but they just ignore me. I don't know why I'm writing, but maybe you can urge fathers to do better than I did.

I wish I could relive the last few months. Please warn people about alcohol and driving, especially us teens.

I wish I could relive the last few months. I had an accident while driving, and two people in my car were hurt (thankfully, not seriously). I'd been drinking a bit, and I hate myself for being so stupid. Please warn people about alcohol and driving, especially us teens.