
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

If I got a big enough telescope, could I see heaven?

If I got a big enough telescope, could I see heaven? My mother said to ask you this, because she wasn't sure of the answer. I am 9 years old.

Is it possible to run so far away from God that you can never get back?

Is it possible to run so far away from God that you can never get back? I admit that that's what I've been doing the last few years. Is He so fed up that there's no hope for me, do you suppose?

Will all my problems vanish if I give my life to Jesus?

Will all my problems vanish if I give my life to Jesus? My friend says they will, but I'm not so sure. After all, she still has problems in spite of her faith.

I know it's too late for me to start over, but maybe you could warn people to stop and think about what they're doing when they're young.

I know it's too late for me to start over, but maybe you could warn people to stop and think about what they're doing when they're young. I know from personal experience that once you've messed up your life it's impossible to get back on track.

I heard that the Bible says the world is going to get worse and worse as the end of time approaches. Is that true?

I heard that the Bible says the world is going to get worse and worse as the end of time approaches. Is that true? We've had some horrible crimes in our city lately, and I can't see how things can get much worse.

Our pastor just announced that he's retiring in a few months. Should we try to talk him into staying?

Our pastor just announced that he's retiring in a few months. I guess we shouldn't be surprised since he's been here over 30 years, but he's deeply loved and we can't imagine anyone taking his place. Should we try to talk him into staying?

I've had two tours of military duty overseas (Iraq and Afghanistan). I'm out now, but I feel lost because I can't find a job and my family fell apart while I was gone.

I've had two tours of military duty overseas (Iraq and Afghanistan). I'm out now, but I feel lost because I can't find a job and my family fell apart while I was gone. I guess I should be thankful I survived, but sometimes I wonder if it was worth it.

Our daughter is only 17, and just told us she's pregnant.

Our daughter is only 17, and just told us she's pregnant. The father isn't even in the picture, and we're wondering if she ought to just go ahead and have an abortion. I know you'd probably be against it, but what choice does she have?

What is the most important book of the Bible, in your opinion?

What is the most important book of the Bible, in your opinion? What is the least important? I'd like to read the Bible, but I don't want to waste my time on parts that aren't important.

Was Jesus an optimist or a pessimist?

Was Jesus an optimist or a pessimist? I'm teaching a class on leadership at our local community college, and I'm curious about this because I believe effective leaders are always optimists. But I wonder if Jesus was an exception.

Why didn't everyone believe in Jesus during His lifetime?

Why didn't everyone believe in Jesus during His lifetime? He did so many miracles that it seems to me like everyone would have believed in Him, and yet they didn't. Why not?

My parents are committed atheists, but last Easter some friends took me to church.

My parents are committed atheists, but last Easter some friends took me to church. It was the first time I'd ever been to a church service, and I admit I actually liked it. But do Christians really believe Jesus rose from the dead? That's hard for me to swallow.