
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Who or what is the Holy Spirit?

I don't go to church very often, but this year I happened to go on what they called

I know you believe in the devil, but what proof do you have of his existence? Have you ever seen him?

I know you believe in the devil, but what proof do you have of his existence? Have you ever seen him? I think the devil is just a myth people dreamed up because they needed someone to blame for their own failings.

I was very optimistic when the new century started back in 2000, because I thought the world might finally live in peace.

I was very optimistic when the new century started back in 2000, because I thought the world might finally live in peace. But if anything, things have only gotten worse. Will we ever wise up and stop fighting each other? I get very discouraged.

All I've ever wanted in life is to be happy, but just when I think I've found happiness, it vanishes.

All I've ever wanted in life is to be happy, but just when I think I've found happiness, it vanishes. I thought I'd finally found it with the boyfriend I've been living with the past few months, but now he's dumped me and I'm back to square one. Doesn't God want me to be happy?

Aren't Christians supposed to love each other?

Aren't Christians supposed to love each other? We joined a church after moving to a new city, and all the people seem to do is bicker (often about the smallest things). I'm a newcomer to the Christian faith, but I'm getting discouraged.

I don't want anything to do with God.

I don't want anything to do with God. I grew up in a strict Christian home and I've had enough. I suppose you'll try to talk me out of it (like my parents did), but I'm not interested.

I read recently that most people decide whether or not to commit their lives to God when they're young, and it's actually rare for older people to turn to God. Why is that?

I read recently that most people decide whether or not to commit their lives to God when they're young, and it's actually rare for older people to turn to God. Why is that? I'd think older people would want to hurry up and make their peace with God before it's too late.

Why aren't marriages lasting today?

I went to my 20th high school class reunion the other day, and it was really depressing to discover how many of my classmates are on their second or third marriages. Why aren't marriages lasting today? My marriage is happy, but I worry about what might happen to our children.

I don't have any problem believing in Jesus, but why should I turn my life over to Him, like my Christian friends are urging me to do?

I don't have any problem believing in Jesus, but why should I turn my life over to Him, like my Christian friends are urging me to do? What difference will it make?

My cousin (who isn't married) says she doesn't believe in saving anything to take care of herself when she gets old, because the Lord will take care of her and provide for her needs.

My cousin (who isn't married) says she doesn't believe in saving anything to take care of herself when she gets old, because the Lord will take care of her and provide for her needs. Is this what the Bible teaches?

We've just discovered that my mother (who is in her late 80s) has been the victim of a scam that's taken almost all her money.

We've just discovered that my mother (who is in her late 80s) has been the victim of a scam that's taken almost all her money. We've alerted the police, but why would anyone be mean enough to hurt someone like this?

I suppose I could believe in God if I tried hard enough, but I can't see trying to live by a bunch of strict rules and not being able to do anything I want to do.

I suppose I could believe in God if I tried hard enough, but I can't see trying to live by a bunch of strict rules and not being able to do anything I want to do. I want to be free -- and what's wrong with that?