
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How can I become a better person?

At the beginning of the year, I made a list of things I wanted to change about my life. But the other day I looked at it and realized I'd hardly made any progress. How can I become a better person? I've not been very good at it so far.

I know I need to pray, but I don't because I'm afraid I'll make a mistake and God will get angry at me.

I know I need to pray, but I don't because I'm afraid I'll make a mistake and God will get angry at me. I haven't even taught our children any prayers, because I'm afraid God won't like them. How can I learn to pray correctly so this won't happen?

Why are you Christians so opposed to changes in society?

Why are you Christians so opposed to changes in society? I can think of a whole list of things I think people should be allowed to do, but it's always religious people who stand in the way. I think we ought to be free to do anything we want, as long as we aren't hurting anyone.

Recently, I tried to contact my kids because I'd heard they have children now, but they don't want anything to do with me. Can you suggest anything to make them change their minds?

Thirty years ago, I abandoned my wife and family for another woman. Recently, I tried to contact my kids because I'd heard they have children now, but they don't want anything to do with me. That's really broken me up. Can you suggest anything to make them change their minds?

Aren't Christians not supposed to fear death?

My aunt is a very devout person -- she's active in her church, reads her Bible daily, prays for others, and so forth. But I've never met anyone so concerned about her health or so afraid of getting sick. Aren't Christians not supposed to fear death?

My friend refuses to think about anything dealing with life after death. How can I get through to him?

My friend refuses to think about anything dealing with life after death. He says the only thing that interests him is his life right now. And anyway, he says, he believes everything will work out for the best somehow. How can I get through to him?

Do you think people's lives can be changed if they believe in God?

Do you think people's lives can be changed if they believe in God? As a psychologist, I know people can change in small ways if they try hard enough. But we all have different personalities, and I don't think our basic personality ever really changes.

We prayed and prayed that our daughter's marriage would work out, but it hasn't, and now her divorce has been finalized. Why didn't God answer our prayers?

We prayed and prayed that our daughter's marriage would work out, but it hasn't, and now her divorce has been finalized. Why didn't God answer our prayers? Isn't marriage supposed to be for life, according to the Bible?

Why can't religious people mind their own business and quit trying to run mine?

Whenever I go back home, my mother's friends go out of their way to say they're praying for me. I know they're just trying to get under my skin because they don't agree with the way I'm living. Why can't religious people mind their own business and quit trying to run mine?

You often say in your column that the reason we're separated from God is because we've sinned, but how do you know?

You often say in your column that the reason we're separated from God is because we've sinned, but how do you know? Maybe God just doesn't want anything to do with us, or maybe He doesn't even exist.

God doesn't seem to make much of a difference, does He?

According to the polls I've seen, most people today still say they believe in God. But if that's true, why do we have so much crime and addiction and so forth? God doesn't seem to make much of a difference, does He?

I know people say God's way is best for us, but I don't believe it. Why bother with God?

I know people say God's way is best for us, but I don't believe it. I think I'm the only one who knows what's best for me -- not some vague, distant spirit who doesn't care what happens to us. Why bother with God?