
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

The doctor says I've caught a sexually-transmitted disease that probably can't be cured. Why didn't someone warn me about this?

I've really messed up my life. The doctor says I've caught a sexually-transmitted disease that probably can't be cured. No one will ever want to marry me now. Why didn't someone warn me about this? Or maybe they did and I just didn't listen.

How bad does a nation have to get before God steps in and destroys it?

How bad does a nation have to get before God steps in and destroys it? Sometimes I wonder if we aren't getting close to that line.

Over the years, my faith has meant much to me, but my brother has always been very rebellious and hasn't wanted anything to do with God.

My brother and I are only two years apart, and our parents were very devout. Over the years, my faith has meant much to me, but my brother has always been very rebellious and hasn't wanted anything to do with God. Now he says it's too late to change. Why did we take such different paths?

Why did Adam and Eve eat that apple? Didn't they know it was wrong and was going to bring them all sorts of trouble?

I started reading the Bible from the beginning the other day, and I want to ask you a question: Why did Adam and Eve eat that apple? Didn't they know it was wrong and was going to bring them all sorts of trouble?

You're always telling people to go to church, but all the churches I've been to are so boring I can't stand it.

You're always telling people to go to church, but all the churches I've been to are so boring I can't stand it. You'll probably tell me just to keep looking, but why should I? Besides that, I enjoy having a day to myself.

I hate being such a weak person. Will I always be this way?

I guess I just don't have any backbone. I promise God I'm not going to do something I know is wrong, but then I get with my friends and before I know it I'm doing it. I hate being such a weak person. Will I always be this way?

Why are people so selfish?

My mother died a few months ago, and I can't believe how much squabbling there's been over her estate. She didn't have much (and she also didn't have a will), but it seems like everyone is trying to grab as much as they can. Why are people so selfish?

My sisters and I never got along, and it's been many years since we've even tried to get together.

My sisters and I never got along, and it's been many years since we've even tried to get together. But I understand one sister just survived breast cancer, and I'm beginning to regret all those lost years. Is there anything I can do to make up for lost time? Or should I even try?

Do I have to become a preacher in order to serve God?

Do I have to become a preacher in order to serve God? I'm in high school and trying to decide what to do with my life. I like people, but I'm no good at public speaking and hate being in front of a crowd. But if God wants me to be a preacher, I guess I'll have to get over that.

Is it wrong to want to make money and do well? Or does God frown on that?

Is it wrong to want to make money and do well? Or does God frown on that? My family never had very much and I've always been determined to do better, but am I wrong? Or does the Bible even say?

My husband is getting very discouraged because he hasn't been able to find a job in his field, or to keep any job the last few years.

My husband is getting very discouraged because he hasn't been able to find a job in his field, or to keep any job the last few years. He says he guesses he's always going to be a failure. He's almost afraid to look now, for fear he'll end up failing again. What should he do?

We love our son and daughter-in-law, but they let our grandchildren (ages 6 and 8) watch virtually anything on television, even if it's full of violence or sex or bad language.

We love our son and daughter-in-law, but they let our grandchildren (ages 6 and 8t) watch virtually anything on television, even if it's full of violence or sex or bad language. Should we say anything? Or are we just being old-fashioned?