
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I always vowed I wouldn't be like my parents, who were very angry and abusive toward my brother and me.

I always vowed I wouldn't be like my parents, who were very angry and abusive toward my brother and me. But now I sometimes find myself losing control with my own children. I hate myself afterward, but why do I act this way?

Have you ever heard anyone say that "God hates the sin but loves the sinner"?

Have you ever heard anyone say that "God hates the sin but loves the sinner"? Is it in the Bible? My cousin quotes it whenever we get to talking about his immoral lifestyle. He claims it means he doesn't need to quit his sinful ways, because God still loves him and will take him to heaven anyway. Is he right?

I feel sorry for our neighbor, because she's getting up in years and doesn't seem to have any relatives or friends who pay her much attention.

I feel sorry for our neighbor, because she's getting up in years and doesn't seem to have any relatives or friends who pay her much attention. I've tried to be friendly, but to be honest she doesn't seem interested and I've about given up. Any suggestions?

A good friend told me the other day that she not only doesn't believe in heaven, but she also thinks people who do are just trying to escape from the world's problems.

A good friend told me the other day that she not only doesn't believe in heaven, but she also thinks people who do are just trying to escape from the world's problems. She knows I'm a Christian, but what can I say to her?

I'm angry at God because He took my husband from me.

I'm angry at God because He took my husband from me. He was supposed to be a good Christian, but he ran away with his secretary and said he didn't want anything more to do with me. If God really loved me, He wouldn't have let this happen.

Why doesn't God take it away?

I've been in constant pain the last two years because of some back surgery that didn't work. Now I'm afraid I've gotten hooked on painkillers. I get prescriptions from several doctors who don't know I'm getting them from the others. I know that's wrong, but I can't stand the pain. Why doesn't God take it away?

I wish I could go back and change the decisions I made, but it's too late.

I'm scared of getting older, because I divorced my wife many years ago and I'm not on good terms with my children, and all I can see in front of me is loneliness and hopelessness. I wish I could go back and change the decisions I made, but it's too late. Maybe someone can learn from my mistakes.

I do volunteer work in our local hospital, and in general I find it very fulfilling. But what can I say to someone who has no hope of recovery?

I do volunteer work in our local hospital, and in general I find it very fulfilling. But what can I say to someone who has no hope of recovery? I try to cheer them up by urging them to think positively, but to be honest that seems kind of empty.

I know you say that we will become God's children if we commit our lives to Him, but aren't we already God's children?

I know you say that we will become God's children if we commit our lives to Him, but aren't we already God's children? I believe everyone is a child of God, even if they don't realize it.

I love kids and all that, but aren't they too young to learn anything about God?

I've been asked to teach a class for 6-year-olds in our church, but I wonder if I'll just be wasting my time. I love kids and all that, but aren't they too young to learn anything about God?

Our pastor is always praying for our nation and our leaders and things like that, but does it honestly do any good?

Our pastor is always praying for our nation and our leaders and things like that, but does it honestly do any good? I can't see that we're any better off today than we were 50 or 100 years ago, and in some ways we're probably worse.

I don't agree with people who say some things are always right and other things are always wrong. Why should I?

I don't agree with people who say some things are always right and other things are always wrong. Why should I? We need to make our own decisions about what's right or wrong, and not worry about an outdated moral code like the Ten Commandments.