
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My aunt believes that if you just have a sunny outlook on life you'll be healthy and almost never get sick. It seems to work for her, but is she just kidding herself?

My aunt believes that if you just have a sunny outlook on life you'll be healthy and almost never get sick. It seems to work for her, but is she just kidding herself? I have a hard time being optimistic with all the problems I have.

I don't know what we did to be such bad parents. Our son (who's 26) is constantly getting into trouble.

I don't know what we did to be such bad parents. Our son (who's 26) is constantly getting into trouble -- writing bad checks, not paying his bills, etc. He always says he'll change if we'll just bail him out one more time, but he never does. Where did we go wrong?

Our daughter's husband walked out on her and it's really been hard, especially since she has two small children and has to work.

Our daughter's husband walked out on her and it's really been hard, especially since she has two small children and has to work. We'd like to help somehow, but we've not had the best of relationships with our daughter (especially since we urged her not to marry this man), and we don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

Why did God let me make such a big mistake?

I got a new job and moved to a big city because I thought it would be exciting to be around so much activity, but I've never been so lonely. I haven't made even one friend here. Why did God let me make such a big mistake?

We used to hear a lot about cults, but it seems like we don't hear much about them anymore. Have they lost their appeal and aren't much of a problem now?

We used to hear a lot about cults, but it seems like we don't hear much about them anymore. Have they lost their appeal and aren't much of a problem now?

I know you say God will forgive every sin we've ever committed, but you don't know what I've done.

I know you say God will forgive every sin we've ever committed, but you don't know what I've done. I'm in prison for drug dealing, and I know I probably messed up thousands of lives before I got caught. I can't even forgive myself, let alone think God might forgive me. I feel so guilty.

My cousin is a very superstitious person, always worried she might do something that will bring her bad luck, or spending money on charms or other things that are supposed to bring her good luck.

My cousin is a very superstitious person, always worried she might do something that will bring her bad luck, or spending money on charms or other things that are supposed to bring her good luck. Is this just a harmless hobby, or is it something more?

Doesn't God expect me to take care of my family?

I know the Bible says we're not supposed to be thinking about money all the time, but I've been fairly successful in my business and I admit it's all I think about. But why is that so wrong? Doesn't God expect me to take care of my family?

My cousin just had successful cancer surgery, but when I talked with her about it she gave all the credit to her doctors.

My cousin just had successful cancer surgery, but when I talked with her about it she gave all the credit to her doctors. God's help and the prayers of others didn't even seem to enter into her thinking. Shouldn't she be grateful to God, as well as her doctors?

I don't know why my wife and I ever got married because we're so different. Is there any hope for our marriage?

I don't know why my wife and I ever got married because we're so different. All we do is pull and tug at each other, trying to get the other person to change. But I know now that it's not going to happen. Is there any hope for our marriage?

Guess you'd say my sister-in-law is kind of "high maintenance." She's always calling me because she's gotten her feelings hurt by what someone said or did (or didn't do) to her.

I guess you'd say my sister-in-law is kind of "high maintenance." She's always calling me because she's gotten her feelings hurt by what someone said or did (or didn't do) to her. How can I help her? I get tired of just being a convenient shoulder for her to cry on.

Do you think some people are just destined to be bad, and no matter what happens they'll always do what's wrong?

Do you think some people are just destined to be bad, and no matter what happens they'll always do what's wrong? I'm a policeman, and I've often wondered about this because it seems like I keep seeing the same people over and over.