
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My wife has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and I don't know how I'm going to take it.

My wife has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and I don't know how I'm going to take it. She's already showing signs of forgetfulness, and I know it's only going to get worse. Please pray I'll somehow find the strength to get through this.

I'm having an affair with a woman I met at the gym six months ago, and as long as we're happy, what's wrong with it?

I'm having an affair with a woman I met at the gym six months ago, and as long as we're happy, what's wrong with it? My wife and I have kind of drifted apart, and I'm not sure our marriage is going to last anyway. So what's the big deal?

Why should I pray for forgiveness?

You keep telling people they need to have God forgive them, but I'm not such a bad person and I don't feel any particular need to be forgiven for anything. Why should I pray for forgiveness?

I thought I was making the right move when I dumped my husband and moved in with another man a couple of years ago.

I thought I was making the right move when I dumped my husband and moved in with another man a couple of years ago. But now he's thrown me out, my ex-husband has remarried, my kids don't want anything to do with me, and I'm left out in the cold. How could I have been so stupid? I hope others learn from my experience.

I'm already dreading Thanksgiving. Any suggestions?

We have a large extended family, and since we have the biggest house, everyone always comes here for get-togethers. But that means I have to do most of the work, and frankly, it's a real burden. I'm already dreading Thanksgiving. Any suggestions?

While it's always cute to see the children dressed up in white angel costumes with halos and wings, I wonder sometimes if we're misleading them, since we don't really know what those angels looked like.

We're already planning the annual Christmas pageant at our church. While it's always cute to see the children dressed up in white angel costumes with halos and wings, I wonder sometimes if we're misleading them, since we don't really know what those angels looked like.

How long can a person keep resisting God until He finally gives up on them and it's too late for them to turn back?

How long can a person keep resisting God until He finally gives up on them and it's too late for them to turn back? I'm afraid my cousin has already passed that point, whatever it is. I even wonder if it's worth praying for him.

Over the years, my doctor has given me dozens of different pills, hoping to find something that will give me inner peace.

Over the years, my doctor has given me dozens of different pills, hoping to find something that will give me inner peace. But nothing really lasts, and my neighbor says I ought to try God. But what difference would that make?

What did Jesus mean when He said someplace that we're not supposed to think about the future?

What did Jesus mean when He said someplace that we're not supposed to think about the future? How can we make it through life if we don't ever plan for the future or take steps to avoid potential problems? Isn't this unrealistic?

I get tired of my religious friends trying to tell me how I ought to live.

I get tired of my religious friends trying to tell me how I ought to live. I don't tell them how to live, so why should they tell me? Besides that, didn't Jesus say something about wanting us to be free?

Our congregation just elected me a deacon, and while I'm honored and all that, down inside I'm nervous and not sure I'm really up to it.

Our congregation just elected me a deacon, and while I'm honored and all that, down inside I'm nervous and not sure I'm really up to it. I even wonder if God doesn't want me to do it. Do you think I should resign?

Why do we have to die?

For over a week I sat in our local hospice house watching my elderly aunt die, and the experience has really shaken me. It suddenly came to me that someday the same thing is probably going to happen to me, and I dread it. Why do we have to die?