
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Pray for and encourage pastor struggling with burn-out.

The other day, a pastor friend told us he's thinking of quitting the ministry because he's discouraged and doesn't feel like he's doing a good job. We tried to encourage him, but what can we do?

Pray for Christians who face persecution.

I was startled to read the other day about Christians who are being persecuted in some countries. Why is this? Christians want to make the world a better place, don't they? So why would anyone want to kill them?

Seek God's guidance to straighten out your finances.

I thought our money problems would go away as time passed, but they haven't. Thankfully we both have jobs, but we still can't seem to get out of debt. I know this isn't a spiritual question, but would you have any advice?

It's not too late to re-kindle your faded faith.

I supposedly gave my life to Jesus at a church camp when I was a teenager, but it didn't last. I guess it was just an emotional experience that faded away. My life since then hasn't been all that happy, and now that I'm older I wonder, have I missed something?

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to count our blessings.

I'm a student from another country and I'd like to learn about some of your customs. For example, what is the meaning of the holiday you call "Thanksgiving"? Does it have something to do with Christianity?

Christ can lead you out of devastating midlife crisis.

I used to laugh when I saw associates of mine go through a so-called midlife crisis—new convertible, new girlfriend, new attempts to turn back the clock, etc. Well, now it's happened to me, and I don't know what to do. I've already destroyed my family, and I don't even care. Any advice?

With prayer and God's help, spouse may yet come to faith.

My wife won't have anything to do with church or God. I can't even talk with her about it or she gets upset. She lets me go my own way (I'm very active in my own church) but that's about it. I know it's usually husbands who act like this, but not in our family. Why is she like this?

Learn to compliment rather than criticize.

My husband got upset with me the other day because he says all I do is criticize him. Instead of getting angry (like I usually do), I stopped and thought about it, and I guess he's probably right. But what can I do? I make critical remarks without even thinking.

You can still make restitution for a long-past misdeed.

Many years ago, I stole some money from the owner of a store where I was working. The store no longer exists and the owner has died, but now that I'm a Christian I know I did wrong and feel I ought to make things right somehow. Or has God already forgiven my theft and I'm worrying needlessly?

Sticking to your moral standards is not being 'old-fashioned'

Are we just hopelessly old-fashioned, like our niece says? She just moved in with her boyfriend, and now she wants to bring him along when her family comes for Christmas. We've told her that she's welcome, but not to bring the boyfriend. We don't have a spare bedroom for him, and we refuse to approve of the way they're living.

Are some people just natural worriers?

Are some people just natural worriers? My brother's wife is like that -- constantly worrying about bad things that might happen (although they almost never do). She's always looking on the gloomy side, and I even find it hard to be around her.

My aunt has a lot of personal problems, but whenever I try to get her to deal with them, she refuses.

My aunt has a lot of personal problems, but whenever I try to get her to deal with them, she refuses. She says she'll soon be in heaven anyway and then all her problems will be gone. But if we have problems, shouldn't we go ahead and face them?