
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

A good—and lasting—marriage must be nurtured.

My husband and I have been married almost 30 years, and now that our children are grown and out of the house, I have to admit we're bored with each other. We loved each other once, but I guess those days are over. Why should we stay together?

No matter what happens in your life, God will never abandon you.

After our baby was born with a serious heart defect, we prayed and prayed that God would heal her. He didn't, and I admit I'm having a hard time not being angry at God. Why would He let this happen?

All Christians agree on the essentials of the Gospel

Why do Christians disagree so much about what the Bible says? I suppose I'd become a Christian if I knew for sure what I was supposed to believe, but I get confused because everyone seems to have a different opinion.

God is not reluctant to take us to heaven!

What happens when we die? Do we go immediately to heaven, or do we have to wait until the end of time (or something like that) before God finally lets us go there?

Patience is a gift from God

If I had to make a list of my faults, the first thing on the list would have to be "impatience." I wish I was a more patient person, but I'm afraid it just isn't in me to be that way. Does the Bible say anything about this?

When picking a new pastor, begin with prayer

Our pastor recently retired after almost 25 years, and I've been placed on the committee to search for a new one. What kind of person do you think we ought to look for? Must it be someone just like our old pastor (which is what some people want)?

God knows all about your sins, but still loves you.

My aunt says God never gives up on anyone, but it's not true with me. I've broken every commandment God made, and turned my back on God so often that I know I must be hopeless. I'm not even sure I care. Does that shock you?

Don’t let drinking ruin your life

I've never admitted this to anyone, but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm drinking too much. It's not like I'm drunk very often (I'm not), but I need a few drinks to get through the day, and a few more to calm down at night. Do you think I'm in danger of becoming an alcoholic?

Seek out a church to ease your loneliness in a large city

Most of my life, I've thought it would be exciting to live in a big city, and when I graduated from college last year I took a job in one. It pays well and all that, but I've never been so lonely. Did I make a mistake?

Remember that everything you have comes from God

I know we're supposed to be generous with our money and help others and all that, but when my wife and I look at all the economic uncertainty today, we believe we need to save every penny we can for our retirement. Are we wrong to think this way?

Atheists reject God without exploring the evidence for His existence

Do you think there are more atheists today than there used to be? My cousin says he's been reading some books by atheists, and now he's decided to become one (much to his family's disgust, I might add).

My college friend says every religion has some truth in it, and therefore he's not going to commit himself to any one religion.

My college friend says every religion has some truth in it, and therefore he's not going to commit himself to any one religion. As a Christian, I don't agree with this, but I'm not sure I could tell him why. What should I say to him?