
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Hell is real, but God doesn't want you to go there!

I don't have a problem believing God is kind and loving (in spite of all the bad things that happen in the world). However, I can't believe that a loving God would ever send anyone to hell when they die. Jesus is too loving to do that.

Seek God’s forgiveness and peace over a broken relationship

My mother and I always had a rocky relationship, but she died a few months ago, and I'm really having a hard time dealing with it. Why am I reacting like this? It doesn't make any sense.

Living without rules will catch up with you

I resent my Christian

Seek out believers who will help you do what is right

I'm always getting into trouble because I let people talk me into doing things that I know are wrong, but I still give in and do them. Why don't I have any backbone?

All those in positions of authority need our prayers

Every week, our pastor prays for our nation's leaders (and our local governmental leaders also), but I wonder if this really does any good. Our country has so many problems, and they don't seem to be getting any better, no matter how much people pray.

We pay a price for violating God's moral standards

I know I made a lot of bad decisions over the years, but I always hoped my children would learn from my mistakes. Well, I'm afraid that hasn't happened, and now my family seems to be coming apart at the seams. Why won't they learn to do what's right?

Make the right choice to pay your taxes

Last weekend, my husband started getting his tax records together, and like every other year, he's figuring out ways to cheat on his taxes. He says the government would only waste the money anyway, but I've told him that doesn't make it right. Am I being too picky?

True love puts the other person first, as Christ loves us

My fiancé and I got engaged several months ago, but I've discovered he gets upset when he doesn't get his way. Sometimes he's even gotten very angry and fairly violent, although he always apologizes and says it won't happen again. Should I be concerned?

Incurring debt so church can reach more youth may be worthwhile

Our church is talking about taking on a lot of debt in order to build a new building for our youth groups. I suppose we need it, but I wonder about going so deeply into debt. Do you think this is the right thing for us to do?

Belief in heaven is not a form of escapism.

I think people who believe in heaven are just trying to escape from their responsibilities on earth. How we live right now is what's important, not believing in some pie-in-the-sky dream that may or may not be true.

God's promises, not our emotions, are the bedrock of Christian faith

Do you have to go through a deep emotional experience in order to become a real Christian? If so, I guess I've missed the boat. I really believe in Jesus, but I'm not a very emotional person. Does this mean I must not be a Christian after all?

A changed life is the best testimony for a new believer

I've led a fairly rough life -- alcohol, drugs, jail, broken marriages, you name it. But two months ago I gave my life to Jesus, and it's made all the difference. The problem is, no one believes me when I tell them I'm different now. How can I convince them?