
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Look at the promises of God before you dismiss Him

My favorite song is the one that says, "I did it my way," because that's what I've always done. I'm even going to have it put on my tombstone. I'm sorry if it offends you, but I don't need God or a bunch of religious fanatics telling me what to do. What's wrong with that?

Sin is anything outside of God's will

What is your definition of sin? I do some things that I know some people might call sinful, but I personally don't consider them bad since they don't harm anyone. But how do I know if God considers them sin?

Jesus came to demonstrate God's love for us

I believe in God because I don't think it's logical to think this universe just happened. But where does Jesus fit into the picture? I apologize for asking what's probably a simple question, but I didn't grow up in a church-going family.

Christ can open the door to heaven for you

A couple in my apartment complex says they know they're going to go to heaven when they die. How can they say that? They seem like good people, but I think it's arrogant for anyone to claim they're good enough to get into heaven.

Don't wait any longer to seek forgiveness for your sins

I know God can do anything He wants to, which means that if He wanted to, He could even forgive me for all the bad things I've done. But I could never forgive myself. I know I've hurt a lot of people, and I feel so ashamed and guilty. Is there any hope for me?

Gluttony is mentioned in the Bible!

Every time my son visits me he gets after me about my weight. I admit I'm on the heavy side, but I don't see what difference it makes since I'm happy and I don't have any health problems. After all, the Bible doesn't say anything about this.

Fourth of July celebrations recall America's history – and enduring faith in God

I'm from another country and am visiting some of my relatives here who are in graduate school. I asked them what your festival on July 4 means, but they were not sure. Does it have something to do with your Christian religion?

Think carefully before refusing to teach church class for teens

I've been asked to teach the junior high class in our church beginning this fall, but I'm really reluctant to do it. I don't feel qualified, and anyway, that's a hard age to deal with. Would it be wrong for me to turn down this request?

Don't judge a church based solely on the worship service

I know you tell people to go to church, and I started going a few months ago hoping to find some new friends. But no one even speaks to me and I just feel like an outsider. Why should I bother?

Try to view difficult relatives through God's eyes

I know God expects us to love everybody, but how can you love people who aren't very loveable? Many in our extended family are coming to our house for the Fourth of July, and I dread it, to be honest. Some of them are simply obnoxious.

We all grieve over the loss of loved ones

My husband struggled with cancer for almost five years, and when he died a few months ago I thought I was prepared for it. But I guess I wasn't, because it's really been painful. I know he's in heaven, but why am I having such a hard time? Is something wrong with me?

Missionaries are needed today more than ever

Our church's new budget includes a fairly large amount of money for our missionaries. But are missionaries even needed today? It seems to me that we can reach the world much more cheaply and efficiently through the Internet. Why isn't anyone doing this?