
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Strive to be the best employee you can be despite boss's negative attitude

I'd probably enjoy my job more if it weren't for my boss. He's always criticizing me and pointing out things he thinks I could have done better, and he never has a good word to say about anything. I need the job, but this is really getting me down. How should I react?

With God, we can face anything without being paralyzed by fear

My doctor just called to say I need to go back to the radiologist for another X-ray, because something suspicious showed up on the first one. But I can't face going back. I'm so frightened that I might have breast cancer. I know that's stupid, but I can't help it. Why is God doing this to me?

Don't let anger or hatred take root in your soul

We had a big debate the other day in our Bible study class about which is the more damaging emotion—anger or hatred. We couldn't decide, but wondered what you'd say.

Through Christ, you can overcome your jealous fears

I can't help my feelings of jealousy, although I've tried. For example, if I see my husband talking with another woman, I'm always afraid they'll get too friendly. He gets upset at me for this, but he just doesn't understand my feelings.

Ignoring your shortcomings hurts both you and others

You preachers are always saying we need to change our behavior and become better people, but I don't agree. I think we need to learn to accept ourselves just as we are, and quit feeling guilty over our shortcomings. We'll never be perfect anyway, so why worry about it?

God doesn't want us to be prisoners of our fears

I'm probably more fearful than most people, but why shouldn't I be? After all, the world is a scary place and a lot can go wrong. My husband says I shouldn't be so worried about things, but I can't help it. I guess it's just my personality.

Don't turn your back on God because some evangelists don't live up to their calling

I think all you evangelists are just in it for the money. I watch some of you on TV occasionally, and all you do is ask for money. Religion is just a fraud as far as I'm concerned. Why should I listen to any of you?

Christ's second coming will be glorious, for all to see

I heard from a religious friend of mine that Jesus is going to come back to earth someday. But how will we know if He does? Maybe He'll be born in some remote part of the world and we'll never even hear about Him.

Take definite steps, such as finding a church, to overcome loneliness in a new city

We moved to a new city a few months ago when my husband was transferred. He loves his new job, but I'm miserable because I don't know anyone here, and I'm just getting more and more depressed. I've even thought about going back home, although I don't want to. What would you advise?

Seek God's will as you take the next step after high school

I graduated from high school a few weeks ago, and I don't know what to do now. Most of my friends are headed to college, but I don't think it's for me. My parents are pressuring me to do something, but how can I know what's right?

With God's guidance, you can overcome drug addiction

I don't know how it happened, but I've gotten hooked on cocaine. My wife is threatening to leave me if I don't stop, but I don't know where to turn. You'll probably tell me to turn to God, but what good will that do?

Insurance can be part of wise planning for your future

I work in an insurance office, and the other day one of our sales people ran across someone who told him they thought it was wrong to buy insurance. They said the reason was because they believe God will take care of them. Are they right?