
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Our work in heaven will be a joy, not a burden

I used to think heaven was a place of rest, and I've always looked forward to going there. But recently I heard someone say that God has work for us to do in heaven. I'm having a hard time with this because I'm tired of working.

Seek God's wisdom about why you have trouble handling money

I know this isn't a spiritual question, but I just can't seem to get ahead financially. I can't blame the economy because I have a good job and everything, but I keep making dumb decisions that only get me deeper in debt. Praying about it doesn't seem to help. What should I do?

Seek God's guidance as you make important decisions

I'm facing some important decisions in the next few months, but how can I know what I ought to do? Does God care about things like this, or does He just leave them up to us to sort out on our own?

With Christ, you can tackle life's problems

People like you seem to think that if we'd just turn to God, all our personal problems will vanish. But isn't this simplistic? Turning to God might help some people, but most of the religious people I know have just as many problems as the rest of us.

If we leave God out of our lives, there will never be peace on Earth

Why can't nations get along with each other? Is it because some people don't have enough? If we could eliminate all the poverty in the world, then maybe we'd be able to get along.

Jesus wasn't just another religious teacher

Why is Jesus any different from all the other religious leaders and philosophers who've ever lived? I know His teachings have had a great impact on civilization, but the same could be said of other religious leaders.

Committing your life to Christ is the most exciting thing you could ever do

Some of my friends are really into God, but I don't see why it's such a big deal. I'm in high school with lots of exciting things going on in my life, and I don't need God. My best friend says I'm wrong, but how does she know?

God doesn't wait for us to be perfect to hear our prayers

How good do you have to be before God will answer your prayers? I know I'm not perfect; I have a lot of problems and know I need God's help. But I don't pray about my problems because I don't think God will hear me.

Work to rekindle marriage to workaholic

My husband says he loves me, but all he's really interested in is his job. He always brings work home and often spends weekends working, and no matter how much I get after him, things never change. Is it time for me to move on?

Nature cannot teach you everything about God

I think I can feel God's presence just as much taking a hike in the woods or playing golf as I can going to church -- or more so. Why should I bother with church? I've never found church very interesting anyway, to be honest.

Every sin you commit hurts someone — including you

I can understand why God says it's wrong to do things that hurt others, but what about things that don't hurt anyone? I don't see why they ought to be labeled as sin. What I do privately doesn't bother anyone else.

Helping another grieving person might ease your own pain

Why can't I get over my husband's death last year? He'd struggled with cancer for over two years, so it wasn't unexpected. I know he's in heaven, but even that doesn't help much. What's wrong with me?