
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Jesus' virgin birth reminds us He was both God and man

Why did the Bible writers say that Jesus was born of a virgin? I know they lived thousands of years ago, but didn't they know that things like this just don't happen?

Planning ahead helps take the stress, overspending out of Christmas

I almost hate Christmas, because we always end up spending far more than we intended, and it takes months to pay off our credit cards. Every year, we ask God to help us spend less, but we never do. Would you have some suggestions?

Countless evildoers have tried to destroy Christ, but failed!

Why did some people try to kill Jesus right after He was born? Shouldn't they have welcomed Him instead, once they heard that God's Saviour had come into the world?

Don't let bitterness, guilt – or prison – keep you from Christ

I know Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, but it won't be for me. I got talked into doing something bad, and now I'll be spending the next few Christmases in prison. My family has disowned me and I'm just going to try to forget Christmas.

Christ opened the door to heaven for us

If God really wants us to go to heaven when we die, why did Jesus have to come into the world? Couldn't God have simply given us eternal life, instead of sending Jesus to be born and live and then die? I've never understood this.

Ask God's forgiveness for your jealous spirit

I admit I've always been jealous of my sister. She's had all the breaks and been very successful. Normally, this isn't a problem, but now she'll be spending a few days with us at Christmas, and I don't know how I'll handle it. Any advice?

Unbelief fades in the light of Christ

Our son is coming home from college this Christmas, and we're kind of dreading it. He's let us know he no longer believes in God and has no intention of going to church with us. We don't want to spend the holidays arguing, but how should we react?

Don't cut complaining aunt out of your Christmas plans

We're debating whether or not to invite my aunt for Christmas dinner. We normally do, but last year she was so sharp-tongued and critical about everything that no one wants to be around her. We don't want our Christmas spoiled. What should we do?

Ask God to help you decide which charities to support

I always get letters from charities and religious organizations this time of year begging for money, and I just throw them out. I don't think they ought to keep asking for money all the time.

Christ humbled himself so that we might ‘become rich’

Why wasn't Jesus born into a wealthy, influential family, instead of an insignificant, poor one? Wouldn't people have paid more attention to Him, instead of rejecting Him and condemning Him to death?

Through Christ, we can find lasting peace

Do you think the world will ever be at peace? For some reason, everyone talks about peace on earth at Christmastime, but if anything, the world just seems to be getting worse. What's the problem?

Meet hostility toward God with prayer and the example of a Christ-filled life

Why are some people so hostile toward religion? One of my co-workers claims to be an atheist, and if anyone says anything about God, their church, or anything like that, he gets very belligerent. Why is this?