
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Replace worrying with trust in God

My sister-in-law spends a lot of time worrying about the future. She reads all sorts of doomsday blogs and worries constantly about all the disasters she thinks might happen to us. Is it good to worry so much about this?

Instead of being dazzled by fantasies, seek God's will you for your life

I dream a lot about how great it would be to be famous someday, like a movie star or recording artist. I enjoy singing with some of my high school friends, and I think it would be cool to be a celebrity. Is it wrong to think like this?

Every culture has some kind of religion

Where did religion come from? I'm not sure I even believe in God, and even if I did, I don't know which religion I'd choose.

Even young children can understand the importance of church

Our two children are too young to come to church with us, but at what age should we begin taking them? They stay in our church's nursery right now, but we want them to learn about God once they're older.

Don't hesitate to offer help for family in need

We feel sorry for a family that's just moved in near us, because one of their children has lots of health problems and they don't seem to know anyone here. I'm sure it must be very hard on them. We don't want to intrude, but should we offer to help?

With God's help, you can overcome emotional damage from parents' divorce

All my life I've known my parents got divorced because of me. They were always arguing because I was a burden to them, and they wouldn't have gotten divorced if I hadn't been born. Why did God let this happen to me?

There's nothing 'innocent' about occult games

For Christmas, my aunt gave our 12-year-old son a game that's supposed to be able to answer questions about the future. I asked her about it because I've never wanted anything to do with things like this, but she laughed and said it was just for fun. What would you say?

Christ can help you overcome temptations

I admit I give in to temptations very easily, and it would be great if God would just make them go away. Will the devil stop bothering me if I become a Christian?

With Christ's help, you can cope as a single parent

I think the hardest job in the world is being a single mom. I've had to put my two small children in daycare because I have to work, and I'm always exhausted. I thought divorce was the answer, but it wasn't. Maybe my experience will make someone else stop and think. I wish I had.

Only Christ can heal the world, by changing us from within

I'm writing an essay for my high school social studies class, and our assignment is to write on what we think is the greatest challenge facing the world today. What would you say it is?

With Christ, we can have the assurance of heaven

I have a friend who says she knows she's going to heaven when she dies, but how can she be so sure? I hope I make it, but it would be arrogant of me to say I'm such a good person that God will have to let me in. Is she just deceiving herself?

God can forgive every sin, if we repent and trust in Him

Is there a list anywhere in the Bible of all the sins God won't forgive? I know I've probably crossed the line with some of them, and God will never forgive me. I never used to worry about things like this, but I do now. Maybe it's too late.