
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

God's forgiveness covers all of our sins, even those we can't recall

Whenever I ask God to forgive me, I try my best to think of everything I've done wrong so I can confess it. But what about the things I don't remember? Will God forgive them also?

Seek Christ's approval, not the approval of the crowd

I know I shouldn't be this way, but whenever I get around my friends I begin swearing like they do and in general acting as if Jesus weren't important to me -- although He is. I wish I had more backbone. How can I stop acting like this?

Which of the Ten Commandments would you eliminate?

Why should I follow the Ten Commandments? Maybe they were useful thousands of years ago, but we live in a different world now, and we need to come up with our own rules for living.

Many Christians follow Christ's example of compassion

Have you ever had someone say to you that Christians are so heavenly minded that they aren't any earthly good? That's what my brother says whenever I try to talk to him about Jesus.

Begin the process of reconciliation by affirming your faith in God

I admit I haven't been a very good husband, and finally my wife walked out on me a few months ago. It really shook me, and now I'm sure I'll be different. But how can I get my wife to take me back? She doesn't believe me when I say I've changed.

Pray for nephew to embrace faith in Christ

My nephew says he's an atheist and doesn't want anything to do with religion or religious people. If someone wants to be religious, that's their business, he says, but he resents people trying to change him. How can I convince him he's wrong?

When Christ rules our hearts, there's no room for discord

Aren't Christians supposed to be kind and loving? Then why do they have such a hard time getting along with each other? Our church has been going through a conflict over some things that probably aren't important, and I'm not sure we'll ever get over it.

Don't wait any longer to see God's forgiveness

Maybe God will forgive me for some of the things I've done, but I'll never be able to forgive myself. I've done so many bad things and hurt so many people along the way that I'll always feel guilty. I wish I could live my life over again, but I can't. Is there any hope for me?

Christ calls on us to see reconciliation

My sister and I had a falling out a few years ago and haven't spoken since. But this Christmas we ran into each other at a party, and she said it was silly for us to keep on like this. However, she also made it plain that she wasn't going to apologize, and I'm certainly not going to, either. What would you say to us?

Only Christ – not a cult – can have authority over your destiny

I think I've gotten involved in a cult, and I don't know how to get out. I was lonely after my husband died, and cult members were very sympathetic and welcoming. But now our leader says I'll go to hell if I leave. I'm afraid to leave. What should I do?

The freedom of college can be dangerous without wisdom and strong values

I admit I had a good time in college and didn't work very hard, but now all I can find is a dead-end job. I don't have a question, but maybe you could urge people headed for college not to waste the opportunity like I did.

All religions are not alike

I think it's wrong for any religion to claim that it's the only way to God. In my view, all religions lead to the same place. Don't you think we ought to be more tolerant toward people of different religions?