
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Those already in heaven know God's perfect plan for us

Do people who've died and gone to heaven know what's happening on earth? I wonder about this, because heaven is supposed to be a happy place, yet they'd be very sad if they saw all the bad things that take place down here.

When anyone turns to God, it is a time to rejoice!

Doesn't the Bible say somewhere that the angels in heaven rejoice whenever someone turns to God? But why would they do that? Wouldn't they already know that this person was going to repent?

All children are gifts from God

We're devastated, because the doctor has just told us our 3-year-old son is autistic and will never have a normal life. What did we do to deserve this? We'd looked forward so much to having a normal family. God must hate us.

God loves even those who reject Him

Instead of fearing the future, put your life in Christ's hands

How will the world come to an end, according to the Bible? I worry about things like nuclear war, asteroids crashing into the earth, and things like that. Is this the way the world will end?

We commit far more sins than we could ever list!

My friend says he doesn't need to confess his sins very often, because he keeps a mental checklist of his actions and believes that he seldom sins. Do you think he's right?

Strive to please Christ, not the crowd

I admit I often get in trouble because I let myself get talked into going along with the crowd, even when I know what they're doing is wrong. Why can't I ever say no? I wish I wasn't such a weak person.

We're never the same once we give our lives to Christ

If someone gives their life to God, what difference is it supposed to make? My aunt claims she gave her life to Jesus recently, but I can't tell that she's changed any. She's just as hard to get along with as she ever was.

Easter tells the only true resurrection story

The other day, I bought one of those sensational newspapers you get at the supermarket. It had a story about someone who claimed they died and then came back to life, and they said this finally proves there really is life after death. Is this right?

Make the hope of Good Friday part of your life

I've never understood why people call the day that Jesus died

Easter celebrates not spring, but the resurrection of Christ

I'm a graduate student here in America, but I don't come from a Christian country. What is your holiday of Easter? Is it religious, or is it like a festival we have in my own country celebrating the arrival of spring?

People still resist the message of Christ today

Why was Jesus very popular one day, and just a few days later everyone turned against Him and demanded He be crucified? Why did they become so hostile?