
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

The future is in God's benevolent hands

Are computers going to take over the world? I'm too old to understand them, I guess, but I worry because computers seem to be able to do just about anything.

It's time to abandon your distorted view of God

My parents always told me I needed to be good, because God was constantly watching and would punish me if I did anything wrong. I know I'm supposed to love God, but I don't. Can you understand why I feel like this?

Ask God to help you focus on a hopeful future

I don't think it's possible to avoid hating someone who's deeply hurt you. My ex-husband betrayed me and hurt me far beyond what any human being should have to take, and I admit it: I hate him. Why shouldn't I?

Don't underestimate the wages of sin

Why should I be held responsible for what Adam and Eve did thousands of years ago? I know the Bible says they sinned and were judged as a result, but why should God judge me for what they did?

You will certainly never see the devil in heaven!

My friend told me about a passage in the Bible that says even the devil believes in God. Does this mean even the devil will be saved and go to heaven? I'm not sure I like that idea.

Our sin has corrupted God's perfect world

Can God make mistakes? I suppose you'll say He can't, but why not? I wonder about this when I see how messed up the world is. Maybe God didn't quite get it right when He created the earth.

You can, indeed, develop a deep relationship with God

I hear people talk about having a personal relationship with God, but I don't understand what they mean. I believe in God, but I can't say I feel like I'm particularly friendly with Him.

God grants prayer requests according to His will

I know God sometimes says no when we ask for something in our prayers. But if He really loved us, wouldn't He always answer our prayers with a yes?

Salvation isn't a game of chance!

Now that I'm older, I think about heaven all the time, but I'm afraid I won't go there when I die. I know I haven't been perfect, so maybe God won't let me in. How can I know? Or do I have to wait until I die?

Jesus chose to die for our sakes

I know Christians like to say that Jesus willingly went to the cross for us, but I'm not so sure. I decided to read the Bible some before Easter, and I don't think Jesus had any choice. He didn't choose to die; the Roman soldiers caught Him and killed Him.

Let young couple who now reject God see Christ in you

A young couple just moved into an apartment near us. We invited them to our church, but they said they aren't interested in religion and prefer to keep their weekends free. How do you get through to people like this?

Whatever the cause of wife's depression, she needs help

My wife seems to be getting more and more depressed. A friend of hers says she just needs to pray more and have more faith, but I'm not sure if that's right. Is depression just a spiritual problem, like her friend says?