How can I resist temptation?
How can I resist temptation? I'm being tempted to do something I know is wrong and could get me in a lot of trouble. But I still feel a strong tug to do it, and I don't know how to handle it.
How can I resist temptation? I'm being tempted to do something I know is wrong and could get me in a lot of trouble. But I still feel a strong tug to do it, and I don't know how to handle it.
Do you believe God has a plan for every person's life? I've messed up my life so badly that I can't even imagine God has any future for me. I'm in jail now, and the future looks pretty bad.
Sometimes I think I'm going to crack up. My husband is in the military in Iraq, and all I can think about is what might happen to him. I hope you'll encourage people to pray for everyone serving over there, and also for their families.
I know Satan is real, but does he have supernatural beings under his control the same way God does, with His angels? I've always been curious how Satan gets his work done, because he sure seems active.
Did God know all about us before we were born? And did He give our souls to us at some specific time? Or are they just part of our natural birth?
My wife has Alzheimer's disease and it has really been devastating to us. Now she doesn't even know me or our family. Why doesn't God let someone find a cure for this? Or for that matter, why does He let things like this even happen?
I wish I had a strong faith like you do. Sometimes I really believe, but then I seem to drift away and my faith grows very weak. Is this just the way it is for most people?
How can I be a better father? I'm afraid my own father wasn't a very good model for me to follow, but I'm not sure I know how to do it any better. I love my two boys very much, and I want to be a good example for them to follow, especially as I think about Father's Day.
I've just finished my first year at college, and I'm not very proud of myself for some of the things I've done. I grew up in a Christian home and consider myself a Christian, but being away from home for the first time didn't do me any good. How can I get back on track?
When did Jesus realize He must be the Son of God, or did He always feel that way, do you think? I find it hard to imagine what He must have felt like, especially if He always knew He was going to be put to death for our sins.
I've led a pretty rough life, to be honest, but a couple of months ago I gave my life to Jesus, and it's been like night and day. I can't believe I didn't do this long ago, because He's really changed my life. Should I be baptized now? I didn't grow up in a Christian family.
Our daughter and her husband don't go to church, but when we've tried to talk about it they just say they aren't interested. Do you have any suggestions? They have a one-year-old child, and we hate to think he'll grow up without any beliefs.