
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've been married three times. Does God reject me because I've ignored Him?

I've been married three times, and I'm thinking about doing it again with my current boyfriend, who moved in with me recently so we can see if it'll work out. Does this mean God won't have anything to do with me? I admit I've ignored Him, but I know I need to get right with Him before I die.

I try to pray and read my Bible before I go to bed, but usually I fall asleep. Should I just not bother?

I always try to pray and read my Bible before I go to bed, but half the time I fall asleep before I finish. Should I just not bother, since I'm not getting anything out of it anyway?

Our new pastor is kind of shy and not at all outgoing, which I think he ought to be.

Our new pastor is a very good preacher but he's kind of shy and not at all outgoing, and I think a preacher ought to be, don't you? Should I say something to him about it? Others feel the same way.

How should we respond to criticism? I admit I get angry and respond in ways I probably shouldn't.

How should we respond to criticism? I admit I get angry and respond in ways I probably shouldn't when people criticize me, but I don't know how to react any other way.

Do you believe everything that happens to us happens for some higher purpose?

Do you believe everything that happens to us was meant to happen, and that it happens for some higher purpose?

I believe it's wrong to say God will send some people to heaven and some to hell.

I respect you, but I believe it's wrong to say God will send some people to heaven and some to hell. I believe in God's love, and I think some day every person will share in the joy of heaven.

Do we become angels when we die so we can watch over our loved ones here on earth?

After my grandfather died, my aunt said it gave her great comfort to know he was now watching over us from heaven. What do you think she meant by this? Did she mean we become angels when we die so we can watch over our loved ones down here on earth?

My wife walked out after 32 years of marriage. You'll say God can help me, but how?

My wife walked out after 32 years because she said she wanted to have fun and I didn't make enough money. She's remarried now (a widower with lots of money) and I feel like such a failure. I know you'll say God can help me, but how?

Why do you say that all we have to do to have eternal life is to believe in Jesus?

Why do you say that all we have to do to have eternal life is to believe in Jesus? That sounds far too simple to me. Surely God expects us to live good lives before He'll let us into heaven, doesn't He?

How do I know God has really forgiven me?

I've asked God to forgive me for all the wrong things I've done, and I've even asked Jesus to come into my life, like you tell people to do. But how do I know God has really forgiven me? I don't feel any different.

How can I honor my father when he's disgraced our family by stealing from his company?

I know the Bible says we ought to honor our parents, but how can I honor my father when he's disgraced our family by stealing from his company and has now ended up in jail? And he was only a couple of years away from retirement.

What do you think of a Christian who gossips a lot?

What do you think of a person who claims to be a Christian and goes to church regularly but is one of the worst gossips you've ever heard? I don't think much of it myself. She invited me to her church once and I almost laughed in her face.