
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

God Put Us Here For a Purpose

I saw a survey the other day claiming that some of the most prosperous countries in the world are also the least religious. Do you think that's true? Why is it?

Rejection of God is Not a Strong Foundation for Marriage

My boyfriend and I are beginning to get serious, but he doesn't want anything to do with God. He even gets angry if I suggest we go to church together. My faith is important to me. Do you think he'll come around if we get married?

You Can Inspire Complainer to be More Positive and Hopeful

Why do some people always complain about things, no matter how insignificant they are? My cousin is like this, and I admit I get tired of listening to her. Is it just her personality? I wish she was a happier person, but I don't know how to help her.

Mission Trip Could Completely Change Your Life

I'm going on a mission trip with my church youth group this summer. We'll be serving in a village in a very poor country, helping to put a roof on their church and doing some Bible programs for children. Do you have any advice?

To Avoid Offensive Comments, Cultivate Compassion for Others

I'm always getting into trouble because I say things without thinking and end up offending people. Can I do anything about this, or am I always going to be this way?

Changing Your Life Could Open the Door to Reconnecting with Your Children

I admit I was a lousy father, and after I dumped my wife I lost all contact with my kids. Now, 30 years later, for some reason, I really want to reconnect with them, but they've made it clear they don't want to see me. Should I keep trying, or just forget it?

Face Honestly the Reasons For Your Doubt

As far as I'm concerned, religion is based on superstition and myth. I think people dreamed up the idea of

Ask God to Show You His Plans, Not Bless Your Dreams

All my life I've wanted to be a music star. I even went to Nashville last year hoping to make it big in country music. I begged God to let this happen but it didn't. Now, I'm wondering what's next. Why did God let me down?

With Christ at the Center of Your Life, Happiness Will Follow

I keep searching for lasting happiness, but I've never found it. Now I'm going through my third divorce, and I wonder if I'll ever find happiness. What is your formula? Or is it just a matter of luck?

Help Friend Replace Prejudice With Love

I enjoy my friend's company, but sometimes he gets off on racial issues, and his intolerance and bigotry really make me very uncomfortable. I tried to say something to him about it once, but it just made him angry. How should I handle this?

Ask God For the Confidence to Make Wise Decisions

My family is constantly getting after me because I have a hard time making decisions, not just about big things but small things, too. I wish I wasn't so indecisive, but I guess that's the way God made me. Do you have any advice?

God Wants Us to Put Our Talents to Use

I own a small business that hires a lot of young people, but I'm frustrated because I can't find very many who are reliable and actually want to work. Doesn't the Bible say we're not supposed to be lazy?