
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I have a learning disability which makes Bible reading difficult. Is God upset with me?

I know I ought to read the Bible, but I've never been a good reader and it's just too big a struggle. My daughter says I have a mild learning disability that keeps me from reading well, and I guess she's right. Is God upset with me because I don't read the Bible?

I can't live with my husband, but I can't seem to live without him either.

I can't live with my husband, but I can't seem to live without him either. We've been separated three times, and every time we've gotten back together and tried to make it work. But then we just get on each other's nerves and the cycle starts all over again. Any advice?

My husband had an affair. How can I ever trust him again?

Several months ago, my husband admitted he'd been having an affair with someone he met over the Internet. He says it's all over now, and he seems very sorry about it, but how can I ever trust him again? I'm devastated.

Is it possible to be a scientist and also be a Christian?

I'm in seventh grade and I want to be a scientist when I grow up. Can I be a scientist and also be a Christian? My science teacher isn't very religious and he makes fun of Christians sometimes.

I know I'm going to hell when I die because I've blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

I know I'm going to hell when I die because I've blasphemed the Holy Spirit. My aunt says God will forgive me but I don't believe it. But I promised her I'd write you to see what you'd say. I don't want to go to hell but I know I will.

What good is it to pray for general things, like world peace and for our nation?

Our pastor is always praying for world peace and for our nation, but frankly I don't see what good it does to pray for very general things like this, do you?

My family is urging me to move into a retirement center.

My family is urging me to move into a retirement center. I've had some medical problems and I know they think it's best for me, but I can't stand the thought of leaving my home of 58 years. Please pray I make the right decision.

How can I reconnect with my mother, who I haven't spoken with in six years?

My mother and I always had a hard time getting along, and in fact it's been six years since we've even spoken. I know I'm partly at fault, but I feel bad about this and wish I could find some way to reconnect. Do you have any suggestions?

Is it possible that Jesus has already returned to earth and is hiding somewhere?

Do you think it's possible that Jesus has already returned to earth and is living in secret somewhere? A friend of mine thinks this is likely, although I don't know what evidence he has.

Why aren't Christians open to the idea of reincarnation?

I'm a student of the various world religions and I'm convinced that we return to earth (or to some other planet) after we die, and keep doing that until we can finally reach perfection. Why aren't Christians open to the idea of reincarnation?

A friend of mine says you can use the Bible to prove just about anything.

A friend of mine laughs at me whenever I say something about the Bible, because he says you can use the Bible to prove anything you want to. How can I convince him that the Bible is true, and he needs to give his life to Jesus?

I wish I had my life to live over again, but you can never go back.

I listened to you on television when I was a teenager because my parents made me, but I didn't want anything to do with God. Now, 30 years later, I realize I've paid a terrible price for this. I should've stopped to see where I was headed. I wish I could live my life over again, but you can't go back.