
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What parts of the Bible should we still follow?

How can I decide what parts of the Bible I should follow today, and what parts are out of date? I think we need to change some of the beliefs that people held in Bible times, but where do you draw the line?

We're so deeply in debt, bankruptcy seems like the only option.

Have you seen that ad on TV about the man who says he's in debt up to his eyeballs? That's the way we feel. I know it's our own fault, but it's too late to do anything about it and I guess bankruptcy is the only answer. I wish someone had warned us about this.

Between all the translations and various study versions, how can I find the right Bible?

I started to buy a new Bible the other day (because my old one is about worn out), but I ended up too confused to make a decision. Between all the different translations and then the various study Bibles, there were just too many choices. How can I find the right one?

Our son can't decide which college to attend. What advice would you give him?

Our son is trying to decide what college to go to when he gets out of high school in a couple of months, but he just can't make up his mind. We didn't go to college so we can't help him much. What would you suggest to him?

My friend believes a loving God wouldn't send anyone to hell. Is he right?

My late uncle was a good person in many ways but he never wanted anything to do with God. Will he be in heaven anyway? A friend of mine who thinks about religion a lot says he believes everyone will be saved eventually, because a loving God wouldn't send anyone to hell. Is he right?

Why are there so many TV shows with violence and sex being produced?

Why don't the people who produce television programs put out more that are family-friendly, instead of ones with so much violence and sex? It's hard for us to know what to let our children watch—or even to watch ourselves.

I'm not sure what I need to do to be saved, and I really want to know.

How can I know for sure that I'm going to go to heaven? I've just seen that movie on the passion of Christ, and I was really overwhelmed by what Jesus went through for me. But I'm still not sure what I need to do to be saved, and I really want to know.

How do you manage to get everything done?

I read that you are planning some major missions this summer. How do you manage to get everything done? Do you have a large staff of speechwriters (like politicians do) for your sermons and other things?

Is it possible for a person to become sinless?

Do you believe it's possible for a person to become sinless in this life? I know we'd need God's help, but don't you think some people could reach perfection if they try hard enough?

Can you give me even one reason to give my life to Jesus?

I know you get lots of letters from people in prison, so you can add mine to the stack. Can you give me even one reason to give my life to Jesus? It won't get me out of prison any quicker, and no one would believe me anyway if I said I gave my life to God.

As a Christian police officer, I'm discouraged by seeing all the repeat offenders.

I joined our city's police force about six years ago, and the stress is really getting to me. I am a Christian and I really feel God put me here, but sometimes I get very discouraged. It doesn't seem like I'm doing any good because the same people keep getting in trouble. What would you say to me?

What does the devil look like? Does he have horns and a pitchfork?

I am 8 years old, and I'd like to know what the devil looks like. Does the Bible say he has horns and a pitchfork and everything? My mother said to ask you because she didn't know. Thank you.