
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Just look at all the wars in the world. They sure don't point to a loving God.

I don't agree with people like you who say God loves us, because I don't see any evidence for it. Just look at all the wars in the world, or all the other terrible things that happen. They sure don't point to a loving God.

Why did Jesus have to die such a violent death?

I just saw that movie on the last hours of Jesus' life, and I was very sobered by it. Why did Jesus have to suffer so much and die such a violent death? After all, He could have escaped.

I've bought every good luck charm I've ever seen advertised, and nothing ever works.

How can I begin to get some good luck going in my life? I've had a lot of problems the last few years, and I've tried everything I can think of to get my luck to change, but nothing seems to work. I've bought every good luck charm I've ever seen advertised, and nothing ever works.

I've prayed and prayed for forgiveness, but nothing changes.

I've been tormented most of my life over something I did when I was in my early 20s that was terribly wrong—more than I realized at the time. I've prayed and prayed for forgiveness, but nothing changes. Please warn people not to do bad things because they will come back to haunt them.

What's wrong with being a "Christmas and Easter" Christian?

I guess you could call me a "Christmas and Easter" Christian because those are the only two times I make it to church (except for weddings and funerals). But what's wrong with that?

Is it too late for me to give my life to Jesus and be saved?

Many years ago, I had a chance to give my life to Jesus, but I refused. I wanted to live my own life and not bother with God—and I'm afraid that's what I've done all these years. Is it too late for me now? Has my opportunity to be saved passed me by?

Why didn't Jesus make any attempt to avoid being killed?

Why didn't Jesus make any attempt to avoid being killed? From what I can tell, He wasn't guilty of anything and He could easily have just stayed away from Jerusalem and avoided being arrested.

I have a hard time believing that Jesus rose from the dead.

I'd like to be a Christian, but I have a hard time believing that Jesus rose from the dead. You see, I'm an intensive care nurse, and I know that once a person dies, that's the end. Maybe you can help me get past these doubts.

Why does my spiritual life feel like a roller coaster ride?

My spiritual life is like a roller coaster ride—up and down all the time. Sometimes I feel close to God but sometimes I don't—and sometimes I couldn't care less. Why does this happen?

My marriage has turned into one long shouting match. Is it over?

Our marriage has turned into one long shouting match. We both hate it and say all the time that we'll try to do better, but then something comes along and we end up back in the same old rut. Is our marriage at an end?

God will give us a second chance after we die, won't He?

I had enough of religion when I was growing up. You probably wouldn't approve of the way I'm living, but why should I change? After all, God will give us a second chance after we die, won't He?

How do cults differ from Christianity?

What is your definition of a cult, and how do cults differ from Christianity? I'm interested in this because my brother has gotten involved in a group I've heard is a cult (although he doesn't agree).