
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Will you please pray that my daughter will stop drinking?

Please pray that my daughter will stop drinking. She has three children (by different men), and they need her to spend the money she wastes on alcohol on them instead. I help out when I can, but I'm on Social Security so I can't do much.

My boyfriend and I are thinking of getting married, but he doesn't believe in God. What should I do?

My boyfriend and I love each other very much, but he says he doesn't believe in God. He doesn't make fun of me or anything for being a Christian, and he says that when we are married he won't tell our children there is a God. Should I worry about this?

I've prayed for over 30 years that my brother will come to Christ. Is he hopeless?

I've prayed for over 30 years that my brother will come to believe in Christ, but he still has no interest in spiritual things. Is he hopeless? Sometimes I wonder why I keep praying.

I have a very hard time believing that God loves me because my own father was abusive. How can I believe in God's love?

I have a very hard time believing that God loves me. I think the reason is because I never had a kind or loving father, so I can't imagine God is kind or loving either. My father was very abusive before he finally abandoned us.

My life has been disastrous the last few years. Is God trying to get my attention?

My life has been one disaster after the other the last few years, mostly because of some dumb decisions I've made. Do you think God is trying to get my attention? I didn't come from a religious family, so I don't know anything about God.

I'm terminally ill. I wish I had lived differently. Is it too late for me?

The doctor says I haven't got long to live (heart disease), so I've been doing a lot of thinking. As I look back, I wish I could live my life over again, because I know I wasted it. I hope you'll keep urging people to get their lives straightened out, because once you get in my condition it's too late.

I'm not a good person, and I'm not worthy of going to heaven. What can I do?

I know I'm not going to heaven when I die, much as I'd like to. I've not been a good person, and I'm not worthy of going to heaven. I didn't live right, and none of my children are living the way they ought to either. Who am I to correct them?

We don't need God to solve our problems, just self-discipline. What do you think?

I know you always say we need God to help us solve our problems, but I don't agree. We can solve our problems on our own if we try hard enough. After all, I stopped drinking several years ago, and I didn't need God to do it. All I needed was a strong dose of self-discipline.

My husband says either I forget Christ or he's leaving. What should I do?

We were pretty wild when we got married, but about four years ago I gave my life to Christ, and He has really changed me. But my husband refuses to have anything to do with it, and now says either I forget Christ or he's leaving. What should I do?

I've tried to be a good person, but I'm not sure if I've been good enough to get into heaven. What can I do?

I've been sick a lot in the last few years, and every time I go into the hospital I wonder if it's the end. But I'm not sure if I've been good enough to get into heaven. I've tried to be a good person, but how do I know if I've done enough?

I want to be more like my Christian friend. She is cheerful even though her life is very hard at times. How can I be like her?

I work with a woman who is a very sincere Christian, and I wish I had her faith. She's had a lot of problems that would have crushed a normal person but she's always cheerful and filled with peace. I'd give anything to be like her but I have so many problems that I don't think it's possible.

I have cancer. Please pray I'll get over my fears. What should I do?

I'm scared to death because the doctor told me a week ago that I have cancer, and they are going to start chemo next week. I know I shouldn't be afraid because I am a Christian, but I'm still very frightened. Please pray I'll get over my fears. I can't even get a decent night's sleep now.