
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

How do I pray properly?

Please tell me how I can learn to pray properly. I try to pray, but after about a minute or so I run out of things to say, and I know God must be very disappointed in me.

Where did all the different races come from?

Where did all the different races come from? I have a hard time believing that God meant for there to be so much strife because of race, but does that mean the devil created the races?

I think we need more love in the world, don't you?

To me, the most important religious value is love and the chief task of organized religion should be to promote love. I think we need more love in the world, don't you?

Why didn't God have someone paint an accurate portrait of Jesus?

I guess we don't know what Jesus looked like, but why didn't God have someone do a portrait of Him so we could know what He was really like? At least it would have kept artists from speculating about His appearance so much.

Why does religion always seem to oppose things like sexual freedom?

I think we ought to be free to enjoy life any way we want, instead of being restricted all the time by a bunch of outdated rules. Why does religion always seem to oppose things like sexual freedom, for example? I'll be interested to read your answer.

How do I talk to my son about sex without sounding preachy?

I'm very concerned because my son has gotten involved with a girl recently, and I think it's only a matter of time before they have sex. How can I talk to him about this without sounding old-fashioned or preachy? I'm afraid he'll just laugh at me.

Our pastor insists on loud, fast worship music. What should we do?

Some of us are upset because our new pastor insists on using only contemporary Christian music—loud and fast. He says he's trying to reach young people, and I have no problem with that, but why can't he pay at least some attention to those of us who are older? We have spiritual needs also, don't we?

Did the first Christians build elaborate church buildings for worship?

Our church is planning to build a new building, and to be honest, I don't agree with what they're proposing. I don't think we should spend so much money on fancy buildings when there are so many other needs in the world. Did the first Christians build elaborate church buildings for worship?

How can I approach my friend about her arrogance?

I have a friend who's very intelligent but she also can be very arrogant, looking down on people who aren't on her level. How can I tell her this without offending her? She has so much to offer other people, but often they don't want anything to do with her because of her attitude.

I think we need to get rid of out-of-date sexual ideas that make us slaves.

I know you won't agree, but I think the greatest thing in the last 50 years has been the explosion in sexual freedom. I think we need to get rid of out-of-date sexual ideas that make us slaves.

Does the Bible say we should pray to angels for help and direction?

My niece has gotten very interested in angels, and she told me the other day that she often prays to the angels and asks them to help her and direct her when she has decisions to make. Is this what the Bible says we should do?

What does the Bible mean when it calls Satan an “angel of light”?

Our pastor quoted a verse from the Bible the other day about Satan being an angel of light (if I remember correctly). I've always thought the devil should be associated with darkness, not light. What does this verse mean?