
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Are homosexuals born that way?

I am facing a divorce, what can I do?

Why does God allow suffering in the world?

I see no hope for the circumstances in our nation. How can I even begin to pray?

How does one pray? I've never been taught how to say a personal prayer or really talk to God.

Do you think people of different races will ever get along? I'm a member of a minority race, and I get very discouraged.

Do you think people of different races will ever learn to get along with each other? I'm a member of a minority race, and I get very discouraged because it seems like we have so far to go.

My boyfriend says if I loved him I would have sex with him. What should I do?

My boyfriend keeps telling me that if I really loved him I'd let him have sex with me. He's even threatening to break off our relationship. I can't stand to think of losing him, but I've always believed sex outside of marriage is wrong. What should I do?

If there is intelligent life on other planets, does God care about those creatures as much as He does us?

If there is intelligent life on other planets, does God care about those creatures as much as He does us, whatever they are like? Did Jesus have to visit those planets also, so they could learn about God?

I don't think anyone can say any idea about religion is true and another one is false.

How do you know your opinions about the truth are any better than anyone else's? Personally, I don't think anyone can say any idea about religion is true and another one is false.

Do you believe God still speaks to people, revealing new truths? If so, shouldn't we be more open to changing our ideas about religion?

Do you believe God still speaks to people, revealing new truths about Himself and about life to them? If so, shouldn't we be more open to changing our ideas about religion and morals, and always be ready to accept new beliefs?

How do I know God answers prayers if nothing happens?

How do I know God answers prayers, even if nothing happens? I've asked God to give me a sign that He is hearing me, but He hasn't. Sometimes I even wonder if it's worth it to keep on praying.

What does the Bible say about unmarried people having sex (i.e. fornication)?

A friend of mine admits that the Bible forbids a married person from having sex outside of marriage (i.e. adultery), but he claims it doesn't say anything about unmarried people having sex. Is he right?