
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Your Life Will Never Be Complete Apart From God

I think religion is just an excuse people use to escape from their problems. Instead of dealing with them, they sit back and wait for God to do something (which He never does). We have to find our own solutions to our problems, not depend on some imaginary god.

God is a Loving Father, Not a Cruel Judge

I know we're supposed to love God, but how can you love someone who's going to judge you and maybe send you to hell? To be honest, I don't love God; I'm afraid of Him. I think about this all the time.

Don't Wait Until Your Last Breath to Turn to Christ!

My friend says he isn't worried about going to heaven because just before he dies, he plans to ask God to forgive him for the way he's been living, and God will do it -- or so he claims. Is he right?

Only Christ Can Fill the Emptiness in Our Souls

Why do people get involved in cults? I've read recently about celebrities who get involved in strange religious groups, and I can't understand what makes them do it.

Pray for Reconciliation With Your Brother

Years ago, my brother and I had a conflict over our father's estate, and he vowed he'd never speak to me again, and he hasn't. I feel terrible about this and have tried repeatedly to reach out to him, but nothing changes. Should I just give up?

Despite Your Busyness, Set Aside a Few Minutes with God Each Day

I know I should pray and read the Bible like I used to, but I just can't find the time now. I'm a single mom with four children, and there's never enough time to get everything done, and at night I'm just too tired. God understands this, doesn't He?

God Forgives All Our Sins, Even Those We Can't Remember

How can you ask God to forgive all your sins when you can't even remember all the bad things you've done, and therefore you can't confess them? I worry about this, because I'm sure I've forgotten lots of things I ought to confess.

Faith Must be Nurtured to Grow and Deepen

I really used to believe in God and I had a strong faith, but now all that seems to have faded. Will I ever get my old faith back, or will it probably always be like this?

Though We Cannot See God, We Can Strive to be Like Him

What does God look like? My sister tried to draw a picture of God once, but my parents said they weren't sure if she got it right. She made Him look kind of like the sun. I am 9 years old.

Don't Hold Onto Your Guilt Any Longer

If God forgives us, then why can't we seem to forgive ourselves? I've hurt a lot of people over the years, and I'll never stop feeling guilty. I've even stayed away from some people because of what I did to them years ago. Is it ever possible to forgive ourselves?

Seek the Approval of God Rather Than the Crowd

God must be very disappointed in me. I really believe in Jesus and want to do what's right, but when I get around other people, I start acting just like they do instead of the way Jesus wants me to. Why am I such a weak person?

Elderly Mother Needs Your Prayers and Practical Help

We're facing some hard decisions about my mother. She's getting more feeble and confused, and we don't think she ought to be living alone. But we have a very small house and just don't have room to take her in. To make things worse, she refuses to admit she even needs help. What should we do?