
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Why did God put us here? Sometimes I wonder if my life has any purpose to it, or if I'm just here to have a good time. What do you think?

Why did God put us here? I know this seems like a simple question, but sometimes I wonder if my life has any purpose to it, or if I'm just here to have a good time. What do you think?

Christ Can Give You the Inner Strength to Face Any Challenge

Suddenly I'm facing something I know might kill me (cancer) and I don't think I can take it. How can I get through this? You'll probably tell me to turn to God, but I've never had anything to do with God and I know it's too late.

Grab the Chance to Reconnect With Your Father

Our father was very selfish and unloving, and my sisters and I haven't had anything to do with him since he walked out on our mother (although he's tried several times to get in touch with us). I know the Bible says we should honor our parents, but why should we do anything for him? He never did anything for us.

Christ is the Best Guide You Can Have in Life

Recently, our teacher asked us to write an essay on what we wanted to do in life, and I didn't know what to say. What would you have said you wanted to be when you were my age (I'm in eighth grade)?

Before Your Marriage Crumbles, Seek God's Help to Save It

My wife and I are separated for about the fifth time. Always before this, I've begged her to take me back, and she has. But this time she says she's fed up with me and is filing for divorce. Is this happening because God is mad at me?

Forgiveness Does Not Mean Excusing Wrongdoing

My business is probably going to collapse because I unwisely took in a partner who ended up cheating me. He doesn't deny it, but he says that since I'm a Christian I should forgive him instead of taking him to court. Is he right?

Don't Wait Until You're Dying to Commit Your Life to Christ

Is there really such a thing as a death bed conversion? My uncle was a very selfish person who had no use for God, but two days before he died, our pastor supposedly led him to Christ. Did God really forgive him? I have a hard time believing it.

The More We Lie, the Easier It Becomes

I don't see anything wrong with stretching the truth once in a while, do you? I'm a salesman, and if I didn't tell a few little "white lies" occasionally I'd probably not be very successful. Besides that, everyone lies occasionally, don't they?

Ask God to Help You See Your Money as a Gift to be Used Wisely

My wife and I really love each other, but we've been fighting a lot recently, and it's almost always about money. I admit I get carried away sometimes and buy things we don't really need, but I don't see why she gets so upset. Do you have any suggestions?

Seek Out Others Who've Experienced Divorce for Help and Support

Why didn't someone tell me how hard it is to be a single mother? I thought getting a divorce would be the answer to all my problems, but I was wrong. Life sure hasn't turned out the way I hoped it would.

We Should Never Take Good Health for Granted

I have a friend who's been blessed with good health all his life, and he says that if he ever gets really sick he won't need a doctor because he's convinced God will heal him. Is he just being foolish, or is this what the Bible teaches?

Don't Give Up on Bible Study Group

I joined a small group Bible study at our church, but now I wish I hadn't. I'm not an outgoing person and I never have anything to contribute to the discussion. I'd like to learn more about the Bible, but would it be wrong for me to drop out?