
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What do you think Jesus must have been like when He was a boy?

What do you think Jesus must have been like when He was a boy? Did He know then that He was going to be the Messiah? Or was He just like any other boy?

Why did God command people to make sacrifices in the Old Testament, when they wouldn't completely take away their sins, like Jesus' sacrifice did?

I find the Old Testament confusing, and especially all the sacrifices that people were supposed to make. Why did God command people to do these, when they wouldn't completely take away their sins, like Jesus' sacrifice did?

How can I find out if I have any spiritual gifts?

How can I find out if I have any spiritual gifts? Our pastor has said several times recently that we ought to make use of the gifts God has given us so we can help others, but I'm not sure I even have any gifts.

Why can't I ever seem to stay close to God?

Why can't I ever seem to stay close to God? Sometimes I feel very near to Jesus, but then the feeling fades and He seems like He's very far away. Why is my spiritual life so shaky?

Why do you say that only God can change a person's heart?

Why do you say that only God can change a person's heart? I'm a freshman in college studying psychology, and it seems to me that psychologists can do a lot of good to help people—maybe as much as religion does.

I don't think it's wrong to have pride in doing a good job, do you?

I think I remember reading in your column some time ago that you believe pride is responsible for many of the sins we commit. What did you mean by this? I don't see what's wrong with having pride in doing a good job, for instance, do you?

I know we're supposed to forgive people who've hurt us, but I'd rather get even.

I know we're supposed to forgive people who've hurt us, but to be honest I'd rather get even. My ex-husband left me to marry another woman, and now I hear he's secretly playing around with someone else. I'd love to let his current wife know what's really happening. Why shouldn't I? He deserves to suffer.

I want our church to go back to the way it was before we got our new pastor. Am I wrong to feel this way?

Our church got a new pastor about two years ago, and it's totally different now. He changed the music, brought in lots of youth and younger families—things like that. But to be honest, we older members wish he'd decide to go somewhere else so we could get our church back. Are we wrong to feel this way?

When we sin, who is responsible—us or the devil?

Who is responsible when we give in to temptation and do bad things? Are we responsible, or is the devil responsible? Sometimes I just don't understand why I do things that I know are wrong.

Do you think it's possible to be a Christian and also hold public office?

Do you think it's possible to be a Christian and also hold public office? I've always been interested in politics, and now some friends are urging me to run for a local office. But I've seen so much corruption and deceit in politics that I wonder if I ought to get involved.

How can God be a God of love but at the same time also be a God of judgment?

How can God be a God of love but at the same time also be a God of judgment? It seems to me He must be one or the other—either a loving God or a God of judgment. I don't see how He can be both.

I'm tempted to cheat on my wife again. How can I keep from giving in?

I have been unfaithful to my wife twice during our 10 years of marriage, and both times I felt terrible over what I'd done and swore I'd never do it again. But now I'm on the brink of doing the same thing. How can I keep myself from giving in?