
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've been looking back over my life and wondering what I should have done differently. Do you ever ask yourself this?

I'm in my 70s now, and recently I've been looking back over my life and wondering what I should have done differently, and how I could have been a better person. Do you ever ask yourself this?

I don't see what's wrong with being angry at someone, as long as you don't hurt them or anything like that.

I know anger is supposed to be a sin, but why? I don't see what's wrong with being angry at someone, as long as you don't hurt them or anything like that.

All my life, my mother favored my brother over me. How should I deal with this?

All my life, my mother favored my brother over me. I don't think he even realized it, but it really hurt me. Now it's gotten worse because she's in a nursing home and calls him all the time, but she never calls me. How should I deal with this?

The Bible doesn't tell us we have to vote, does it?

I know everyone says we ought to vote in the elections that are coming up in a few months, but I'm tired of all the political conflict and I don't see any point in voting. After all, the Bible doesn't tell us we have to vote, does it?

I find the Bible confusing whenever I try to read it. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I know I ought to read my Bible, but I've never been much of a reader, and anyway, I just find the Bible confusing whenever I do try to read it. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I knew being divorced and becoming a single mom would be hard, but what I didn't expect was the desire to strike back.

I knew being divorced and becoming a single mom would be hard, but what I didn't expect was the anger I feel and the desire to strike back. My ex-husband was unfaithful behind my back, then just abandoned us when I discovered what was going on. I am a Christian and I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I just can't help it. What should I do?

Why do churches keep asking for money all the time?

Why do churches keep asking for money all the time? Frankly, it turns me off and I think it does the same to lots of others. If people want to give that's fine, but I don't think they ought to be talked into giving money.

What does Jesus' suffering on the cross have to do with our salvation? Lots of people have suffered just as much.

I don't understand what Jesus' suffering on the cross has to do with our salvation. After all, lots of people have suffered just as much as He did, or even a lot worse.

Do you think we go to heaven the instant we die, or do we sleep (or something like that) until Christ comes again?

Do you think we go to heaven the instant we die, or do we sleep (or something like that) until Christ comes again and we are awakened? We had a discussion about this in our Bible study, and I was surprised to find out how many different opinions there were.

I'm in my early 70s and I only became a Christian six months ago. Why do people wait so long? I wish I hadn't.

I guess I'm a latecomer to the Christian faith because I'm in my early 70s and I only became a Christian six months ago. People ask me why I didn't become a Christian earlier, and I don't have an answer. Why do people wait so long? I wish I hadn't.

I'm going to college in a few weeks, and I'm worried that I'll lose my faith there. What advice do you have?

I'm going to college in a few weeks, and I'm worried that I'll lose my faith there. I've always been active in my church, but I hear it's hard to stay a Christian in college. What advice do you have?

What do you think Jesus must have been like when He was a boy?

What do you think Jesus must have been like when He was a boy? Did He know then that He was going to be the Messiah? Or was He just like any other boy?